Tort table temps

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5 Year Member
Nov 15, 2011
I am starting to plan a table for my Sullys.
They are growing fast and I want to be ready to move them from their tank to a table.
My question is as they get bigger should I still try to keep the ambient temp of a larger enclosure around 80 or is room temp with basking sites and a warm humid hide ok?


New Member
5 Year Member
Feb 3, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Springfield, MO
Hello, cljohnson! Here's how Sheldon's table is set up:

Our house is kept at a constant 70 degrees Fahrenheit. His basking spot is right at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and the ambient temp of his table stays at a pretty steady 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and only drops about 5 degrees at night. His cool area below the 2nd level is closer to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, but doesn't really change from day to night.

I've been dealing with trying to keep good humidity levels for Sheldon since he moved to his table. I've not had trouble keeping his hide humid and warm for him... but the open area can get dry, so I make sure to soak Sheldon regularly in warm water under his lamps for 30 minutes daily. I started out only soaking him 3 times a week, and learned here that it should be more often than that - and it has helped Sheldon. I mist (warm water!) him on and off throughout the day - he really enjoys that.

I've tried to keep Sheldon's heat and humidity needs the same - from tank to table... I think it's all about what he needs, and the basic needs should be constantly kept. I strive for his levels to be right, and it's more work with the table - but the table has also been far less stress for Sheldon - so it's worth the work to me.

I have learned tips and tricks here on this forum that will come in handy! Example? --> I plan on getting a humidifier with warm mist abilities by next winter, but this winter it's all me - and him when he wants to wade in his water dish.

Here's 2 links to show you what Sheldon's table set up is like:

I hope some of that is helpful... and that others out there on the forum will add their thoughts and specs and such!
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