Tortoise Diet

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5 Year Member
Nov 20, 2012
I try to change up my Russian Tortoise, Gracie, diet. I don't want it to be the same all the time. I usually have romain Lettuce, or spring mix bought in packages at target. Once in a while some carrot for a treat, and is we have squash/peppers ill give those to her. Any ideas for some more food to change her diet up?


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
You should be feeding more broadleaf weeds and less grocery store stuff. You can grow your own or scavenge it from around you, if you are sure the source is pesticide and chemical free. There are many weed ID guides, but here are few to start you off: Mallow, filaree, hawks bit, dandelion, sow thistle, plantain, etc... You'll have to look around your area to see what grows there. There are several companies that sell seed mixes too. Carolina Bio Supply is a TFO site sponsor and so is I got some "Testudo Mix" seeds from Tyler at tortoise and they have been doing great for me. I have a 4x4 plot of them and I have harvested about 12 five gallon bucketfuls out of there to feed all my tortoises. It has finally slowed down with the cooler and shorter days of fall, but its still producing well.

Tyler sells another product called "Salad Style". It is finely blended grass hay that you can sprinkle over grocery store food, to make it much better for them.

Cactus pads are a great food source too. They can be grown indoors in pots or outdoors in suitable climates.
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