Unexpectedly caring for 4 baby turtles for friends - HELP


Mar 9, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Lancaster Kentucky
Shew, alright guys they are finally in two separate tanks. If I have to clean a turtle tank again in my lifetime it will be too soon!! But considering there have been four turtles in there since last Wednesday it wasn’t that bad. In the tanks they both have heaters, the snappers only have one filter I just don’t see there being room for two in that small tank, the bigger tank has 2 filters. I have a basking light for the bigger tank, currently the snappers tank has a basking dome but no bulb. I will get one for them tomorrow. I filled the bigger tank up with more water since the snappers aren’t in it anymore. I’m really worried that the snappers don’t have enough room in that small tank.

My anxiety gets the best of me when I am taking care of new animals and all I do is worry. I am really quite stressed about these little guys and the care I can afford to provide for them. I am doing the best I can with what I’ve got but it’s not good enough for me ? Anyway that’s my update for today! Here’s some pics of the smallest one, it’s my favorite and only about the size of a silver dollar♥️
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Mar 9, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Lancaster Kentucky
Hi there. A lot of good advice and info provided above. I just wanted to comment based on some experience with eastern snapping turtles. One thing you should know is, ironically, snapping turtles are not good swimmers. Certainly not as good as sliders or painted turtles. While the latter can freely swim in a full tank, the snappers will not. Common rule of thumb for snappers is to keep the water as deep as their shell is long. From experience, i usually go slightly deeper because they have LONG necks and will often float their front legs off the floor. Because of the differences, i'm not sure its advisable to keep the snappers and painted together, unless you decide to keep the tank sufficiently shallow.
Also to consider, unless they have been handled continuously while growing, those snappers will bite. Its not bad when they're just little guys, but at several months old they'll certainly catch your attention. They will also be aggressive with other turtles. Based on your location, I'm guessing they are eastern snappers and not alligator snappers which tend to be less aggressive (based on what I've read and been told). If they do try to bite, you can use an adequate net or bowl to fish them out of the tank. If you pick them up grab as far back as you can on the shell (like i said they have LONG necks). Just please dont pick them up by the tail.
Turtles are very messy, as stated above so make your life easier and limit the amount of decorations. I would still do (large) rocks as substrate to give the turtles some kind of footing. Feeding outside the main tank (maybe in that 10) is advisable to limit cleanings in the main tank. I wouldn't recommend undergravel filter for a turtle tank. A canister filter is best but a filter with changeable pads and/or hang on the back filters will work for a full tank. Shallow tanks sometimes requires an in tank filter (not unlike what you had) but just know cleaning those can be a pain. For food... pellets and subsidize with live (fish, crickets, worms). I didn't worry too much about additional greens because i kept floating plants in the tanks. Once last word of caution... if adding decorations... ensure they are anchored or glued w/ silicone to avoid falling over and injuring or pinning a turtle. Avoid space under or on the side of decorations where the turtles can get themselves wedged (and they will because they are almost as stubborn as tortoises). rule of thumb for that is allow 2x the width of their shell between decorations and/or side/bottom of the tank. Dont mean to throw so much out at you. Snappers are near and dear to my heart. I wish you the best.

I have the snappers in water that is a little deeper than the biggest one is long. I’ve got two large flat rocks stacked on top of each other so they can sit on them and be out of the water if they choose. I do not touch any of the turtles, I love all animals but am a bit freaked out about touching them so no danger in me getting bit there haha. My husband picks them up as far back as he can and knows not to pick them up by their tails. I do not have any space where they could crawl under or get trapped between decor/rocks and the glass. I am an obsessive worrier about animals so I play out all of the what if scenarios in my head the entire time I’m arranging the tanks lol.

I GREATLY appreciate all of your advice!! I know more than I did a couple of weeks ago but I still know very little in compared to what I should know.


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Shew, alright guys they are finally in two separate tanks. If I have to clean a turtle tank again in my lifetime it will be too soon!! But considering there have been four turtles in there since last Wednesday it wasn’t that bad. In the tanks they both have heaters, the snappers only have one filter I just don’t see there being room for two in that small tank, the bigger tank has 2 filters. I have a basking light for the bigger tank, currently the snappers tank has a basking dome but no bulb. I will get one for them tomorrow. I filled the bigger tank up with more water since the snappers aren’t in it anymore. I’m really worried that the snappers don’t have enough room in that small tank.

My anxiety gets the best of me when I am taking care of new animals and all I do is worry. I am really quite stressed about these little guys and the care I can afford to provide for them. I am doing the best I can with what I’ve got but it’s not good enough for me ? Anyway that’s my update for today! Here’s some pics of the smallest one, it’s my favorite and only about the size of a silver dollar♥
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Oh wow, FYI you have a Slider, and that one pictured is a baby Map turtle, and a gorgeous one too. So you actually have 3 different species.


Mar 9, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Lancaster Kentucky
Oh wow, FYI you have a Slider, and that one pictured is a baby Map turtle, and a gorgeous one too. So you actually have 3 different species.

I was actually just telling my husband earlier that I didn’t think the tiny one was a slider because he doesn’t have the red on his neck! But I had no clue what he was so thank you!


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Dec 28, 2013
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I was actually just telling my husband earlier that I didn’t think the tiny one was a slider because he doesn’t have the red on his neck! But I had no clue what he was so thank you!
? you ended up with a bunch of different species. Hope you can pass this info onto the owner!

I think you are doing a great job given the circumstances. Way better than me in the beginning.

As others have said get a flood bulb for basking and a uv strip. I am still using a mercury vapor bulb for my turtles basking spot which is a bit out of date, but I just happened to have an extra. The UV emission tends to not last long on MVB's, they blow out way too often, and some MVB bulbs can be defective and just emit way too much UV. You are better off with the former option.


Mar 12, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Kudos to you Brittany & your husband. You've stepped up for these little guys in a way very few people would. Our hats are off to you.
PS> That anxiety you feel means your a good turtle parent and goes a long way towards keeping them happy & healthy. Just remember to sit back occasionally and enjoy watching them enjoy themselves ;-)


Mar 9, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Lancaster Kentucky
Jesus Christ guys. I come in the room to check on them and water is all over my floor. The big tank is somehow cracked in the bottom. Whyyyyyyyyy is this happening ??? My husband is currently draining it and now we’re gonna have to put all 4 of them back in that tiny tank unless someone has some advice


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Dec 28, 2013
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Jesus Christ guys. I come in the room to check on them and water is all over my floor. The big tank is somehow cracked in the bottom. Whyyyyyyyyy is this happening ??? My husband is currently draining it and now we’re gonna have to put all 4 of them back in that tiny tank unless someone has some advice

do you have any big plastic bins?

Here was what I kept my turtle in before getting a tank. just a rock and a bin.


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Mar 9, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Lancaster Kentucky
do you have any big plastic bins?

Here was what I kept my turtle in before getting a tank. just a rock and a bin.

I don’t have any empty ones they’re all full of holiday decor in the garage. I’ve cried for a good 30 minutes over this. I’m so sad, I’ve worked so hard on everything for them and I just got them in separate tanks last night. We’re gonna get another tank tomorrow but damn I’m upset.


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I don’t have any empty ones they’re all full of holiday decor in the garage. I’ve cried for a good 30 minutes over this. I’m so sad, I’ve worked so hard on everything for them and I just got them in separate tanks last night. We’re gonna get another tank tomorrow but damn I’m upset.
it happens. how about a small dish bin for now?

i once didnt close my filter properly and had 40g of water soak the floor. did not realize it til i got home from work, had to buy an industrial fan and get the carpets clean. at least that didnt happen! and your turtles are still healthy :)


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May 18, 2017
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Aww I'm so sorry. The good news is the turtles are safe. Don't give up ❤


Mar 12, 2021
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Hi Brittany. I'm sorry about the tank, turtl;es and yes, the mess and damage caused by the busted tank (I've had it happen to me twice in the past). Use the small tank for now, just to keep them safe and hydrated. The advice of a plastic tub is also a good (ie. fast/cheap) solution, for now. Room temps will be adequate, unless your water heater and/or basking lamp survived, then you can use them, just ensure, if using a plastic bin that they don't touch the plastic and the lamp is securely fastened (don't use a clamp). If the lamp didn't survive, do'nt worry about lighting for now. They will be OK for a couple of days. If you decide to get another tank (as opposed to using a bin of some kind) be sure that the tank sits completely level. While smaller tanks are more forgiving, they can still crack if placed on an uneven base. Typical cause for a cracked bottom panel is impact by a heavy decoration or an uneven surface. An aquarium stand is best but a suitably strong (capable of holding a few hundred pounds) flat table. Any heavy decorations like rocks should not be stacked or at least should be secured, preferably with aquarium safe silicon or just not bother with them at all. You can use a piece of wood (keep in mind though that wood will expand when wet, so do not pry it between sides of the tank). I know a lot of this is common sense and I don't mean to ramble on. Just feel for your situation. Good luck and let us know how it goes. (Tell hubby to be careful lifting that busted tank)


Mar 9, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Lancaster Kentucky

Hi Brittany. I'm sorry about the tank, turtl;es and yes, the mess and damage caused by the busted tank (I've had it happen to me twice in the past). Use the small tank for now, just to keep them safe and hydrated. The advice of a plastic tub is also a good (ie. fast/cheap) solution, for now. Room temps will be adequate, unless your water heater and/or basking lamp survived, then you can use them, just ensure, if using a plastic bin that they don't touch the plastic and the lamp is securely fastened (don't use a clamp). If the lamp didn't survive, do'nt worry about lighting for now. They will be OK for a couple of days. If you decide to get another tank (as opposed to using a bin of some kind) be sure that the tank sits completely level. While smaller tanks are more forgiving, they can still crack if placed on an uneven base. Typical cause for a cracked bottom panel is impact by a heavy decoration or an uneven surface. An aquarium stand is best but a suitably strong (capable of holding a few hundred pounds) flat table. Any heavy decorations like rocks should not be stacked or at least should be secured, preferably with aquarium safe silicon or just not bother with them at all. You can use a piece of wood (keep in mind though that wood will expand when wet, so do not pry it between sides of the tank). I know a lot of this is common sense and I don't mean to ramble on. Just feel for your situation. Good luck and let us know how it goes. (Tell hubby to be careful lifting that busted tank)

Thankfully nothing was damaged other than the tank so they have heat and a lamp in the small tank. Hubby is bringing home the new tank today. I think maybe I had too many heavy rocks in there and that caused it. I’m gonna scavenge for some wood to put in there instead, thanks for the idea♥️


Mar 12, 2021
Location (City and/or State)

Thankfully nothing was damaged other than the tank so they have heat and a lamp in the small tank. Hubby is bringing home the new tank today. I think maybe I had too many heavy rocks in there and that caused it. I’m gonna scavenge for some wood to put in there instead, thanks for the idea♥
If using 'wild' wood, it is recommended to sterilize it (lots of links out there on how to do this). I'm going to catch flak on this next comment but..... I personally have used fallen limbs from my property for my snapper tank after a simple cleaning (not sterilizing it). In part because I know there are no pesticides in my yard and I know the tree is not 'infested' . Also, my snappers are from the wild (not farm raised) so I dont see it as a large risk.


Mar 9, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Lancaster Kentucky
Update! The new tank is up and running for the second time haha. Everyone seems to be doing good but the biggest snapping turtle. Since we’ve had him he’s hid the entire time. I’ve seen them all eat but him. I know they don’t bask very much but I’ve never even saw him get on top of a rock, he just stays on the bottom of the tank I’m thinking maybe he’s scared of the other turtles? Even when they were all four in the big tank he still hid even though most of the time he was by himself with the other turtles pretty far away from him. I’ve not saw any aggression from the other snapping turtle towards him, most of the time they’re on opposite sides of the tank. I just worry about this big guy?

This is him below

This is the other snapping turtle. He eats like a pig and is always out and about moving around the tank.8F9F2E88-23E7-4A23-ABE7-4525F66E209F.jpeg

And here are the other two, I think the baby one was hiding under him to get away from me ?C1B85AFE-8807-4290-9B2B-76E055454188.jpeg

Here is the bigger tank

And the smaller tank that I’m so incredibly unhappy with


Mar 12, 2021
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Great job on the new tank. I love the pics too... especially the one where he's peeking out from between the leaves. The big guy may just be freaked out a little with the changes etc. If he continues to not eat, you can try placing him in a separate container for a few days and see if he starts to eat then. If so, then he just may be uncomfortable around the others. If he continues to not eat, then you can maybe try to change up the food. Something small and wriggly that may peak his interest. I recall one of the snappers that I had didn't eat for like a week. Then he would only eat when I wasn't watching. He got over it before too long and would even start begging for food.

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