Worried about Tiny..

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Tony the tank

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 20, 2011
Well this morning I got up early 5am and gave Tiny her shot...and tried to feed her.. She ate a bit but went back to bed..

Around noon I let her out in the yard..she grazed for a bit..then settled in the shade... So decided I would bring her in and let the other ones out.. Once inside She went right to sleep..So I gave her a soak..and I got another load of rocks..
Tried to feed her she took a few bites and walked away.. She did eat quite a big piece of pumpkin and actually came out of her hide and begged me for some apple..she saw me eating..But she has spent a lot of the day sleeping

So here is my question.. This is day 3 (second injection of antibiotics).. I have noticed that the phlegmy sound is gone...But the nose is still running (every now and then)..also it seem like the nasal drops they pescribed just block his nasal passages.(a few minutes After the drops he sounds like his nose is stuffy) his appetite seems to be a little off and he is sleeping more than usual..

Question is how much time do I give it to see improvement or I should take her back to the Vet...I mean yes the breathing has gotten better... But know she seems less active ..



The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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In all honesty I would go back to the vet and see what they say, I had a sick russian a couple of years ago and she had several visits until she was better. once the first round was done, I thought she was better but the vet prescribed more and now she is happy and healthy and eating like a pig. Also meds can affect their appetite sometimes.


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Apr 10, 2011
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Apple Valley, California
You are soaking Tiny every day as well, yes? The antibiotics are harsh on their kidneys. I know that it can take awhile to see any real improvements....however, if you are feeling concerned then satisfy your concern and give another visit to the vet :D

I sure hope Tiny comes round really soon....

Tony the tank

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 20, 2011
I've been soaking him everyday for 45 minutes.. That's how I get my rock collection;)..I have also been soaking his food....and the way he peed this morning during his injection..I would say he is very well hydrated..

I spoke to the Vet yesterday.. she told me that it might be a while before I see improvements...She told me to bring him back right away ...If he starts having trouble breathing.. Like gasping , mouth breathing or becomes really lethargic..
And she added stops pooping after I told her about the rocks..

I mean..In one sense he has improved..No more phlegmy sound.. The runny Nose is less... but on the negative side..His appetite is down a little and he slept a lot today...(it could be that I woke him up at 5am..then he spent 45minutes in the tub/treadmill for his soak)

How long do most Tortoise take to recover from a URI...While on Antibiotics??

From the injection schedule (every 72 hrs) will be on antibiotics for 24days..


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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my russian took 2 months to get over the URI, she was received (by me) in rough shape.


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Jan 17, 2011
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I would just keep the vet as updated as possible and go in when they think you should. It sounds like you are doing great with the injections! I have my fingers crossed for Tiny to have a normal poop soon!! Tiny & Tony are very lucky to have you.


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It took my sulcata about 6 weeks after the antibiotic treatment was over to return to normal appetite. His activity level picked up about the same time.


5 Year Member
Sep 21, 2011
Could it also be the season change, I know they say that they slow don some in the cooler months. Not sure where you are but I know here in Florida the mornings are cooler and the days are a but shorter. Perhaps it is a combo of the illness, meds, and seasonal change. None the less, best of luck to the both of you for a quick recovery and peace of mind.

Tony the tank

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 20, 2011
Well today Tiny seems a little more active.. Did a couple of laps in the yard..one or two bites of grass..but refused to eat his Spring mix..or any greens at all..

But funny thing..I brought down a fairly lg pumpkin...and as soon as tiny saw it..he came out of his hide and started following me... So I put it down and he tore into it likehe was starving... He ate quite a bit of it.. Before I cut him off..

So now I'm wondering if it's the meds or if she is being fussy about her food?? I mean..Yeah she isn't eating her greens but put a pumpkin in front of her and she eats like she can't get enough..

Thoughts opinions??

Also since she is sick.. Is it OK to let her eat what ever she wants as long as she eats??

Tony the tank

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 20, 2011
No chance she will get chilled..For the last 6 days I have kept the ambient temp in the entire enclosure between 86-92.(measured with a temp sensor built into the floor)..basking area has hit 110..and I haven't seen one of them use the basking area...I'm starting to wonder if the high temps are what is keeping her [/i]in his hide..buried under the hay..even Tony is sleeping a lot more during the day..since the temp has been raised..

Tony the tank

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 20, 2011
Anyone have any thoughts about the not eating the veggies.. But pounding down the pumpkin...

And can I let her Eat all the pumpkin she wants while on the meds...



The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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It is usually a good idea (IMHO) to let a sick tortoise eat whatever you can get it to eat, but one they are well, they may all of the sudden only like pumpkin.


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Dec 24, 2010
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It was when my tortoise was on antibiotics for a URI and would not eat the typical foods that he had been eating that I first tried Mazuri Tortoise food. He went for it like Tiny has gone for the pumpkin. I was happy to see him eating again and Mazuri pellets seem to be nutritious and balanced. When his eating pattern begin to get re-established I could add greens into the Mazuri food and slowly get him back to a regular diet. He still gets Mazuri once or twice a week and still loves it.
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