

Well-Known Member
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Jun 24, 2012
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I feel like this could be a fun little thread since Russians are notorious for being spunky and rough and tumble, and Russians are one of the most common WC tortoises in the pet world. So lets all share personalities of our Russians and how different they are! Since I know many people ever have huge differences in groups that had always been together.

I'll start.
Frank's a pet store guy, so he's WC, which I know plays into his personality which is the only reason I really bring that up.
He's definitely spunky, climbs like crazy, loves to faceplant off his log over and over, when outside will literally sprint around (I never imagined they could go that fast!) He'll lift his head up and look at me talking to him, and sometimes will come right over and stare out his house at me.
But he's also very shy at times, when I go to pick him up he sees my hand and goes into his shell, (although while carried he "swims" in the air) If I plunk food onto his plate while he's close he also hides in his shell, then waits a while to come all the way out and eat (he also seems shy to eat in front of me sometimes but only randomly) He also sees me following him outside and freaks out every time I move to follow him. I understand those traits are due to him being from the wild and knowing he's prey, theres a reason he survived to get to me (hes even been with me for 2.5 years now my lil munchkin.)
Despite all his shy traits he's fallen asleep on my chest before looking up at me, curled up into a blanket covering me and about halfway up his shell.
I'm wondering how unique he is, what other people have experienced and if that's changed over time having them and all that. I'm also interested in obviously the differences between CBs and WCs as well as individual kept and community kept. Have fun :)

Yellow Turtle01

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Jun 12, 2013
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I bought my russian at PetCo (I know, I know!) and he is just the 'biggest' little guy! He'll wander around with me in his pen, and likes to eat right out my hand (sometimes :p )
He is so active and alert, hardly anything will make that guy back down!
I think some WC's (like your guy) are probably a little shyer than others, and yours might warm up to you eventually :D


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Nov 2, 2013
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My Russian tortois, Yurik, is also a pet store tortoise. So I'm sure he's wild caught even though he didn't come from a "chainstore". He has never really been shy. He is not scared of my dogs or cats and basically walks right through them if they are in his way. He also likes to face plant off his log :) but he does recognize Heights, such as a tables edge and has never tried to face plant off of anything like that. He comes running when I put down food but if it's something he doesn't like he gives me a look like "are you kidding me" and stomps away. It's hilarious. The swimming in the air when you carry that means they're scared, try putting your hand down so all his feet can be on it when you're carrying him. It took my tortoise a little time to expand his diet options, he didn't eat a dandelion for a year and a half. Now absolutely loves them. I'm sorry if I keep changing between he and she, I spent the first year thinking I had a male tortoise and then I found out I had a female :) but I can't seem to stop saying he. I think there would almost have to be personality differences between wild caught and captive bred. There's no way that spending years in "the wild" does not affect personality, and I'm not sure how much of that changes in captivity. It would be interesting to compare to tortoises one captive bred want to wild caught, to see the differences. Of course you always have to factor in individual animals and their own individual personalities no matter where they were born :) I love my little Russian tortoise, I love that she is so outgoing and brave, although sometimes it would be nice to have more than one but that is difficult with Russians.

Earth Mama

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My Russian "handsome" is wild caught. Although I've had him for a long time now, when I first got him he was very shy. That only lasted about a week. Once he figured out I wasn't going to hurt him he hasn't had a shy moment. He loves his head scratches and he likes his legs scratched. Whenever he hears my voice he comes right over wherever I am. He's very personable and eats out of my hand. He waits at the food dish for me whenever it's feeding time. He definitely has personality plus. I love him to death.ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1410876157.185936.jpg


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Jun 24, 2012
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I bought my russian at PetCo (I know, I know!) and he is just the 'biggest' little guy! He'll wander around with me in his pen, and likes to eat right out my hand (sometimes :p )
He is so active and alert, hardly anything will make that guy back down!
I think some WC's (like your guy) are probably a little shyer than others, and yours might warm up to you eventually :D
No judging the petco thing here, that's where Nanks from, its also where my cousins is from. Nanks essentially warmed up to me, but he has his quirks. I feel like after 2.5 years he's about as warmed up to me as he'll get. .. unless he'll get less scared once puberty hits... although for all I know he's already a man and just isn't a flasher.


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Oct 29, 2013
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Martha, who I affectionately call " Martha, the destroyer" came from Petco too. I had taken in a rescue Sulcata who was beyond help & I lost him (MBD) the day prior to getting Martha. I went in to buy cat food, it was my Birthday, I was still crying, & I seen her. She was in a small tank with four others. When I walked up to her tank, s he pushed one of the others out of the way, looked at me bold as you please & winked. I took her home & have never regretted it :) She is a lot like all of yours. Not afraid of anything, climbs like shes part spider, is curious, and likes to climb up on me if I am sitting out side with her. If i change anything in her enclosure, she poops in her food bowl for a week. Could be coincidence, but I dont think so....
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Yellow Turtle01

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Jun 12, 2013
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No judging the petco thing here, that's where Nanks from, its also where my cousins is from. Nanks essentially warmed up to me, but he has his quirks. I feel like after 2.5 years he's about as warmed up to me as he'll get. .. unless he'll get less scared once puberty hits... although for all I know he's already a man and just isn't a flasher.
Mine is only 4.5 inches long... so he's got some growing to do :D But I know he's a guy, because was REALLY enjoying his log one day... ;)
I think a lot of people buy from petstores, and I can just hope that after being taken from their home, someone who really cares about them will adopt them and provide them with everything they need...


5 Year Member
Aug 29, 2012
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Harley my first took about 6months to stop being shy, now he comes running when he sees me, he's a funny little dude full of character n mischief.
Yoshi my youngest Russian is really easy going, he is happy to be left alone or fussed over. He's such a good boy but the hormones r developing n I have a feeling he may turn into a rascal lol.
River was very difficult, she came to me needing several doses of worming meds which really set her back. She took over a year to come round to people then one day she just became active n happy now she is full of life and doesn't mind people at all, she loves to show off her sexy leggies when sunbathing.
Ivy my big gorgeous ivy. God knows how old she is, came with an overgrown beak n claws n couldn't lift off of the ground. Lots of work later she is fine but thinks she is human, she doesn't wana be doing torty stuff n is only content when I have her next to me.

Just got a hatchling he is gona b a devil, at 3 weeks he rams already lol
Sep 15, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Wilkes Barre PA
I'm am so glad there's a thread for this subject. I just got my RT (peanut) a few days ago off Craig's list. The couple couldn't take her to where they were moving. I bought a RES from Petco last year (I know. I didn't know then what I know now) but anyway. She was and still is extremely skiddish. So I was so surprised when with in a day of peanut being home she was all a about exploring. By the next day I was petting her head and under her chin. And I though I had the only RT that uses her rock as a sliding board. Lol. I may be crazy but this tort loves attention!! I built her a 6 foot by 3 foot enclosure and she is in heaven. When I approach her enclosure she is so curious to see me. And when I spend a few mins with her its almost like she shows off for me.after she sees me she becomes very active. She starts to do laps around her enclosure. I know sounds crazy right? I have my hand over the side and she will crawl under my hand where my fingers can run down her shell. Then she crawls up over her rocks. She will stop at the top and look for me. Then.... Woop... Slides down. I have owned many pets. This is my first tort. And I'm amazed how she is so full of life. I'm used to my RES not liking to be handled or even bothered unless its feeding time. But peanut is a polar opposite. Feel free to tell me I'm crazy for saying what I think she is doing. Butfrom what I read I'm not the only one who sees their RT with this behaveure . and I'm 32 and am looking forward to my life time pet. If I made this much head way with her after 3 days I can't wait to see how our relationship as pet and owner will be in a year or two. But I'm glad there are others out there who enjoy this species as much as I do. The RT is absolutely a amazing tortoise.
Sep 15, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Wilkes Barre PA
Russians are some of the most personable little torts around. Jason you're going to have a lot of fun with Peanut. I'm glad you two found each other ☺️. Have you posted a photo yet?
Thank you. I'm glad too. I just had her out for her soak and she went nuts. And as usual she was happy to see me. I just can't believe she took to me so fast after just 3 days. I met the couple I got her from and they were awesome pet owners. They were about to cry when they handed he to me. So I'm chalking it up to her being so happy to them. But I'm already having a blast with her. I never would have thought a tiny little tort can have such personality.Thank you for your comment!
Sep 15, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Wilkes Barre PA
Russians are some of the most personable little torts around. Jason you're going to have a lot of fun with Peanut. I'm glad you two found each other ☺️. Have you posted a photo yet?
I have posted. I think the pics are in my photos. Let me up load one to you on here


Well-Known Member
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Jun 24, 2012
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Martha, who I affectionately call " Martha, the destroyer" came from Petco too. I had taken in a rescue Sulcata who was beyond help & I lost him (MBD) the day prior to getting Martha. I went in to buy cat food, it was my Birthday, I was still crying, & I seen her. She was in a small tank with four others. When I walked up to her tank, s he pushed one of the others out of the way, looked at me bold as you please & winked. I took her home & have never regretted it :) She is a lot like all of yours. Not afraid of anything, climbs like shes part spider, is curious, and likes to climb up on me if I am sitting out side with her. If i change anything in her enclosure, she poops in her food bowl for a week. Could be coincidence, but I dont think so....
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Nice story! She was like "i'm coming home with you" what are you supposed to do say no!? Sounds like she was the boss from the beginning!
Once I went to petco probably for something fish tank related, but stopped by the torts like always and one just stared at me while I popped up and said hello like usual, I talked and he watched, and its like he was begging to come home... still breaks my heart that I couldn't!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
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I'm am so glad there's a thread for this subject. I just got my RT (peanut) a few days ago off Craig's list. The couple couldn't take her to where they were moving. I bought a RES from Petco last year (I know. I didn't know then what I know now) but anyway. She was and still is extremely skiddish. So I was so surprised when with in a day of peanut being home she was all a about exploring. By the next day I was petting her head and under her chin. And I though I had the only RT that uses her rock as a sliding board. Lol. I may be crazy but this tort loves attention!! I built her a 6 foot by 3 foot enclosure and she is in heaven. When I approach her enclosure she is so curious to see me. And when I spend a few mins with her its almost like she shows off for me.after she sees me she becomes very active. She starts to do laps around her enclosure. I know sounds crazy right? I have my hand over the side and she will crawl under my hand where my fingers can run down her shell. Then she crawls up over her rocks. She will stop at the top and look for me. Then.... Woop... Slides down. I have owned many pets. This is my first tort. And I'm amazed how she is so full of life. I'm used to my RES not liking to be handled or even bothered unless its feeding time. But peanut is a polar opposite. Feel free to tell me I'm crazy for saying what I think she is doing. Butfrom what I read I'm not the only one who sees their RT with this behaveure . and I'm 32 and am looking forward to my life time pet. If I made this much head way with her after 3 days I can't wait to see how our relationship as pet and owner will be in a year or two. But I'm glad there are others out there who enjoy this species as much as I do. The RT is absolutely a amazing tortoise.
I was surprised there wasn't already a thread (or if there was its long since hidden in threads past... the search tool never works right for me) Its super cool to be able to compare especially them being one of the most spunky ones so a lot of personalities, as well as WC still being a huge thing, adds so much variety! I never thought when I got Nank that he'd have personality (don't know what I thought he's be like but he definitely proved it all wrong!)
My cousin had 2 RES and they were grumps and didn't like people, so she was surprised when I had them tortoise-sit Nank while I was on vacation, she didn't want to give him back! less than a year later Nank now has a "cousin" Raphael :) ... petco still sells RES!!?? ... not that I think of it yeah ours has a mix of RES and river turtles... that should really be stopped considering all their problems with rescue over population and the number of released (left for dead). I do want to rescue one (or make a pond for a few) from a rescue in the future, free up room for another, but I realize it'll essentially have the personality of a potato lol.