Recent content by Mareg

  1. M

    Micro chipping

    I know people that have drilled small jokes in their shells and attached a tag with info. Like a dog tag sort of. Is this safe?[hr] Should say small holes
  2. M

    Do torts get lonely or bored?

    They do get bored especially when DT are in an enclosed area. We built a large nice area with blocks, grass, shade cover, water etc....To protect him from the pool we put in. Mr.T my DT climbed out every day. Sometimes took him all day but he got out! Now I have given up and let him roam my...
  3. M

    Everyone meet Marshell!

    Congrats! He's a cutie!
  4. M

    I WON A BABY?!?!?..... I NEVER WIN

  5. M

    My Mr.T is out!

    Mr.T. Yay it worked![hr] Sort of...[hr]
  6. M

    My Mr.T is out!

    Oh good! I didn't want him to be taken too soon. Guess I'll just have to go on my Computer!
  7. M

    My Mr.T is out!

    My DT came out...or rather taken out of his winter home yesterday. He drank lots of water and ate some lettuce. Now in his summer home. Lol. Funny how they remember right where they are every year! He is amazing! Wish I could get a pic up but on my iPod it tells me it's too big :(. Any...
  8. M

    He has not come out of hibernation

    Thank you Ascott. He lives outdoors. Mostly on the grass and patio. We have an outdoor house for him to go into too. [hr] Did my photo up load? Still new here
  9. M

    He has not come out of hibernation

    He is not outdoors for hibernation. He is in the garage with a wood house and potato sack. He went into hb about mid November.
  10. M

    He has not come out of hibernation

    Yes it was auto correct. Sorry. I'm thinking of coaxing him out this weekend.
  11. M


    Hello again! Was on here last March and list the site. Now that there is an app I'm really excited to chat with other tortoise parents! Lol. Maybe this time I'll get pictures up if my Mr. T. 50 + desert tortoise. I've had him for 40 years and don't know exactly how old he is.
  12. M

    He has not come out of hibernation

    No out yet! I'm curious when they all start coming out! Usually Mr.T my desert tortoise bones out about now. He is turned in his house but still sleeping.
  13. M


    Thanks again. Ascott, no nothing has changed really only the weather really. I'm really wondering if he didn't get enough food and water. The 100+ degree weather came on fast thus year. He has been more fragile since he had a major accident two years ago. He fell off of a 5 foot block...
  14. M


    Thanks for the welcome! I have had Mr. T for about 42 years. I was a young kid when he wandered on our lawn. We tried to find his family but no one claimed him. He is part of the family for sure. 2 generations and counting! The reason I joined the forum was to get help with him. He is...
  15. M


    Hi, I'm new to the forum, but I'm not new to mr 40+ year old DT "Mr.T" Not even sure what kind of DT he is but we love him.