Recent content by mrsbotero912

  1. mrsbotero912

    Substrate for 9 month old Ibera Greek?

    It only dries out that quickly around the heat lamp - the rest of the enclosure stays damp on top. And it's also just the top layer that gets dry and dusty under the lamp - the underneath is usually still pretty damp after a full day. I have also had the rest of the enclosure covered except the...
  2. mrsbotero912

    Substrate for 9 month old Ibera Greek?

    Also - is there a certain brand of orchid bark that you prefer over others? Or just any fine grade should do?
  3. mrsbotero912

    Substrate for 9 month old Ibera Greek?

    Thank you for all this information! I do my best to keep the coco coir damp as to avoid dust, but the area under/around the heat lamp still dries out, and of course that's where he spends most of his time. Perhaps I'll give the fine grade orchid bark a try!
  4. mrsbotero912

    Substrate for 9 month old Ibera Greek?

    Thanks! Is there anything that makes one option better than the other between soil, coco coir, or a mixture of the two?
  5. mrsbotero912

    Substrate for 9 month old Ibera Greek?

    I'm looking at getting this from PetSmart - but I see a few different reviews about there being bugs in it.... is that a common problem with this product??
  6. mrsbotero912

    Substrate for 9 month old Ibera Greek?

    Hello! Apollo is about 9 months old, apx 5.2cm long, and has been on 100% coco coir since I got him. He LOVES burrowing into it when he goes to sleep for the night. I'm thinking of mixing in something else that's not quite so messy, and possibly switching over completely eventually. The most...
  7. mrsbotero912

    Aero garden - liquid plant food safe or no?

    Yep I went through all the wild flower options on the aero garden custom packs and only chose ones that are "safe" according to Tortoise Table :)
  8. mrsbotero912

    Aero garden - liquid plant food safe or no?

    That's great news - thank you! It will just be used to grow the wildflowers, and I'll be feeding the wildflowers to him.
  9. mrsbotero912

    Aero garden - liquid plant food safe or no?

    I am planning on trying to grow some wild flowers in an aero garden for Apollo. Just wondering if there is anything in the aero garden liquid plant food that could be harmful, and if I should / should not use it? Photos attached. Thanks!
  10. mrsbotero912

    Shell attachment to prevent getting stuck on back?

    Good news guys - after about 5 weeks he stopped trying to escape! He finally settled in, and now spends most of his day napping under the "sun" and waking up to snack a few times a day ☺️
  11. mrsbotero912

    Ambient temp not warm enough?

    Hello all, Trying to fine tune my heating/lighting situation. Apollo is a 3 month old Ibera Greek - I've had him just over a month so I'm still adjusting things to get everything where it needs to be. Temps all seemed great at first, but now that the temps outside are dropping, the ambient temp...
  12. mrsbotero912

    Shell attachment to prevent getting stuck on back?

    I'm not sure what that day was about, he is back up to 24g! I wasn't sure what how much the weight should vary when accounting for things like eating and going to the bathroom, but if he didn't go back up to his initial weight quickly I was ready to call my vet and ask him about it. He does seem...
  13. mrsbotero912

    Shell attachment to prevent getting stuck on back?

    It's usually between 50% and 70%, and I soak him every morning, sometimes for a bit in the evening too
  14. mrsbotero912

    Shell attachment to prevent getting stuck on back?

    I definitely plan on adding plants - actually getting one from my mom today to start with :)
  15. mrsbotero912

    Shell attachment to prevent getting stuck on back?

    I've had him almost 3 weeks, but I did just move him from a smaller plastic tub into this enclosure on Sunday, so I'm thinking he's definitely still getting used to it. Thanks for the feedback! Just gotta try to make do to prevent the flipping for the time being I guess...