Len B
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  • Hello Turtulas-Len, I had im-ed with you years ago and now my posts don't seem to be working. Let me know if you see this, please.
    Hello Turtulas-Len . I am also located in Colonial Beach, VA. I just finished building an outdoor enclosure and working on a night box now. Would love to see what kind of night box you are running and what type of heating.
    Sorry, I havent logged on in a while. I am located in Oak Grove, back by Berkley Beach.
    Len B
    Len B
    I'm on Riverview Circle, as soon as you turn off of 205. The yard with the banana trees and cactus plants. stop by anytime and you can how I house them over winter.
    I know exactly where you are located, I have seen the stone tortoise in the front yard. Thank You so much, I will stop in sometime soon and see your setup and get some tips maybe. Thanks so much.
    Hi there! I am south of you on the Hampton Raods peninsula. A friend asked me to keep the fella in my profile picture for her as I have an enclosed yard. She found him/her? roaming across a parking lot. I have a feeling this fella will become a permanent member of our family. Any idea what kind of tortoise I have here?

    Thank you in advance,

    Len B
    Len B
    Hi Sandi, It looks to be a Mountain tortoise from Asia. They are fascinating animals.Someone is probably looking for it. If you or any neighbors have alacosia or colacosia plants they are a large part of their natural diet in the wild. Fruits, vegetables, collard greens, romain lettuce,cooked sweet potato, mulberry leaves, mushrooms are a few other items that help makeup a varied diet for them.. Len
    Good Afternoon,

    I was browsing through some posts and saw that you are located in MD. I am as well and need to re-home my female Russian Tortoise due to an upcoming move and wont have the space for her. Is there anyone you know locally that would be interested in adopting her? trying to find her a good home
    Len B
    Len B
    Helio, Yes I have a home in Huntingtown Md. I also have a place In Colonial Beach Va. I have a group of russian tortoises at the beach home and would gladly add another female to them.
    Hi, Nick told me that you have some nice heated outside enclosures for your sulcatas, and that I should take a look at them. I've spent the last hour looking through your post and can't locate any pictures of your enclosures or hides. Can you post some here for me to see when you get a chance please? Or send me a link to some of your post that have pictures to them?
    Len B
    Len B
    Hello, Give me some time and I will gladly show you what I have built, there should be some old post here somewhere, if I can find them I will bring them back up if possible. I don't know how to post a link. I have no idea why I can't get back on the other site. I can look but only as a visitor.
    Hello, I saw your great photos of your Sulcata's winter housing. I live in a very cold climate and may be bugging you with questions as our sulcata continues to grow :)
    Len B
    Len B
    Hello, I will help you any way I can. That house is the first and largest I built. I have 4 other sulcata's and a leopard tortoise living outside in 3 smaller houses.
    Prairie Mom
    Prairie Mom
    I really appreciate it. The first house looks great. I can't imagine the rest of your set up! The tortoise in your profile pic looks amazing! I swear he's smiling for the camera :) Thanks so much, Chrissy
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