Big Charlie
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  • Omg you've been active for these past 2 years still, anyways you probably forgot our old convos in 2018 but you helped a lot with Max(ine) turns out she's a she. Thanks for helping though I appreciated it a lot at the time and I forgot to thank you!
    I hope my baby can get this big can I ask what you have done to keep it so healthy and keep it alive so long I have a female Redfoot tourt, Fully mine will get as big as yours that’s what I’m hoping so any and all feedback would be great
    Big Charlie
    Big Charlie

    I don't think your redfoot will ever get as big as Charlie, since Charlie is a sulcata and they do get really big. Charlie is 18 1/2 years old and around 100 pounds. I have had him since he was a hatchling. Back when I got him, there wasn't a lot of correct information available. The breeder mentioned soaking him, which I think was probably the best thing I did for him.
    Big Charlie
    Big Charlie
    When he was fairly young, we had financial problems so I stopped buying grocery greens as much, and collected weeds to feed him. I think that ended up being good for him. After he was about 5, he pretty much took care of himself. We moved, and I dumped him in the backyard during the summer, while I figured out what to do with him.
    Big Charlie
    Big Charlie
    He dug his own burrow and started grazing. I only had to set up a warm place for him to go during the winter, which he used only on very cold or rainy days. Then a few years ago, we had to block off his burrow because it threatened the stability of our house, and I came on the forum and learned how to build him a heated night box, which he uses now.
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