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  1. mojo_1

    I got a new tortoise today!!!!

    Got another one today.
  2. mojo_1

    Reptile Expo, Oakes PA

    I'm pretty sure the sulcata has more than a foot or two left to grow. I got Mojo from an expo. Prior to really knowing anything about most reptiles, we actually won him as a door prize. I just wanted to go and see all the reptiles. I don't think I could go to another one, knowing what I know...
  3. mojo_1

    Is Our Baby Sulcata Sick?

    And thermostat controller to run the ceramic heat emitter.
  4. mojo_1

    Is Our Baby Sulcata Sick?

    You need a T5 style for UVB Arcadia 584504 Pro T5 UVB Kit 24W Desert with D3+ 12% Reptile Tube, Approx. 57.5 x 6 x 4.5 cm
  5. mojo_1

    Red foot enclosure question

    Just make sure it’s a good fence. We don't want puppy chew toy tortoise.
  6. mojo_1

    Red foot enclosure question

    Yes, thank you. I was forgetting about the Russian size for a minute.
  7. mojo_1

    Red foot enclosure question

    The easiest way to look at it is the more space the better. If he can be outside during the day and you have the space give him some roaming room.
  8. mojo_1

    Red foot enclosure question

    For a 10" it's more recommended to go full 10'x10'. I would say 8'x4' should be the minimum. To get all math with it and provided the enclosure is to be a minimum of 2' high a 6.6' x 6.6' is roughly 42 square ft and a 8'x4' is roughly 32 square ft
  9. mojo_1

    Please help with my new tort!

    There's also a possibility he doesn't feel well. It's just a chance he's still adjusting.
  10. mojo_1

    Please help with my new tort!

    His environment needs to be just right. Also there's an adjustment period everytime there's noticeable change.
  11. mojo_1

    Please help with my new tort!

    Have you made the appropriate changes in lighting, heating and humidity?
  12. mojo_1

    5 Day vacation

    I mean exactly what I asked. The redfoot tortoise is a tropical high humidity tortoise. You risk health issues not giving them fresh water to keep hydrated. So the easy answer is never without water.
  13. mojo_1

    5 Day vacation

    How long can you go without water?
  14. mojo_1

    5 Day vacation

    We found someone on to come check on ours.
  15. mojo_1

    Please help with my new tort!

    You can also get him some radicchio. They love that stuff.
  16. mojo_1

    Please help with my new tort!

    Once you get his enclosure lined out and everything stable temperature and humidity wise, and he's comfortable in his new home he will be more active and some what friendly.
  17. mojo_1

    Please help with my new tort!

    You're welcome,Wash your hands before and after you handle him and you'll be fine.
  18. mojo_1

    Please help with my new tort!

    It takes them a good week to get comfortable in just their new enclosure. Do be more careful when handling him their shells are very soft in the early stages and can break easily. You should only handle the little guy when it's soak time. You can feed him out of your hand while he's in the soak.
  19. mojo_1

    Please help with my new tort!

    You need to cover the top completely. The heat lamp will work more efficiently and not pull heat out of the enclosure.
  20. mojo_1

    Please help with my new tort!

    They naturally hide as hatchlings. And it's also how they regulate their body temperature. Did you cover the heat lamp and top of enclosure with aluminum foil?