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  1. myk

    Drop One, Add One

    River run
  2. myk

    Drop One, Add One

  3. myk

    Drop One, Add One

    Grease spot
  4. myk

    Drop One, Add One

    Mystic spot
  5. myk

    Drop One, Add One

    Pizza pocket
  6. myk

    Drop One, Add One

    Hot Damn
  7. myk

    Drop One, Add One

    On board
  8. myk

    Drop One, Add One

    Bull crap
  9. myk

    Best place to buy vegtables.

    I heard you can grind up the greens and freeze them,like a mix in ice cube trays, then just remove and thaw when needed
  10. myk

    Indoor enclosure that dont need cleaning. is it possible ?

    Will the isopods multiply and become too many?
  11. myk

    Best place to buy vegtables.

    You could go to local farm and buy bail of hay and or clover.
  12. myk

    RIP Smokey

    Man that's a day I'm not looking forward to my babies, sorry for your loss, big hugs,,
  13. myk

    Flipping on his back?

    Still good insight for everyone having issues,so what's your point
  14. myk

    Leopard tortoise substrate.

    Still helps newbie like me and we just made it updated, happy turtleing
  15. myk

    Head Tremors and Calcium Supplements

    Try taking your calcium supplements and grind them to powder, and just add tiny sprinkle to a large enough breakfast that it's disapated enough he can't smell or taste it
  16. myk

    Injured Eastern Box Turtle

    Awe poor guy,,some people are ignorant and think it's funny to just ignore them and run them over deliberately,,,I would suggest taking to a vet for x-rays for broken bones or internal injuries
  17. myk

    Flipping on his back?

    The bowl looks too deep and slippery,,and from what I see others have is water away from his house, use one those other shallow bowls u got there, and his house should be opposite of the basking light so he can get away if he wants from it, hope this might help
  18. myk

    Leopard tortoise setup

    What's up with this Tortise Town? I got heads up on other media platforms they not reputable?
  19. myk

    Leopard tortoise substrate.

    What about adding peat moss?with the coco?
  20. myk

    Leopard tortoise substrate depth

    What about a outdoor enclosure. ,how deep should I build underground barriers so they can't tunnel out?I see a guy just lost his, look like sulculta,,,