Search results

  1. khanvict

    Got my russian today

    congrats, everything you describe thus far sounds normal so i wouldn't worry at all. if you dont feel it's hot enough you could move the bulb closer but if it's going to be a safety hazard i wouldn't risk it. they have some digital thermometers with probes you can pickup for like ~$10 at...
  2. khanvict

    Exo-terra Solar glo 125W Mercury Vapor Bulb

    this is the same bulb i've been using for almost a month now i think and i believe it's the most bang for your buck. i also went with the 125W and i have not had any issues with it thus far. more importantly, the tortoise seems to be doing just fine with it in his basking area.
  3. khanvict

    TFO T-Shirt Design Contest

    i thought the generic track pattern you had worked nicely. it gave the impression of what it was supposed to be but if you want some better ideas go to and search 'tortoise tracks'. you will come up with some decent results that should help. here's one from a leopard tortoise...
  4. khanvict

    TFO T-Shirt Design Contest

    nice job, my favorite one is design 3. i like how it's not centered. what if the tracks on the front were a continuation leading/connecting from the backside so that on the back you see two horizontal track lines and in between the track lines you could put the text? also, i'm...
  5. khanvict

    stock market

    the thing about markets is people make money even when stock values drop 'cause you can 'short' a stock (i find this, in principle, to be very scary). just as much as some investors love to see prices rise there's an equal group of traders smiling just as brightly when it falls.
  6. khanvict

    stock market

    i don't have the patience for 20 years, let alone 20 days when it comes to these things. i say you're better off buying 2,500,000 shares in 4 different .0001 stocks ($250 investment per company there) that you think have potential. i am sure you could flip one or two of them if and when they hit...
  7. khanvict

    stock market

    have you learned technical analysis, or basically, learning to read chart indicators and trends? i feel like i would do so much better, or at least feel like i have an advantage, if i sat down with this stuff and learned it because i never did. i've been basically trading based on internet...
  8. khanvict

    stock market

    i trade penny stocks or micro cap market stocks from time to time. it's a whole 'nother beast than your traditionally listed stocks. a lot of manipulation, pump and dumps, and scams go on but nobody should be putting their money into penny stocks with the idea of long-term investing. these are...
  9. khanvict

    A few questions from a new guy

    I am also in the dallas area and just went through the newbie processes of researching and getting a russian a few weeks ago and will share some basic info that you may take with a grain of salt as you do your own research and find what works best for you: I could not find a russian anywhere...
  10. khanvict

    TFO T-Shirt Design Contest

    i am diggin' it. very nice mustard-n-ketchup(catsup?)-stylish theme and it works beautifully in my opinion. if this was a final revision, only minor adjustment i would make to this is to curve the '' wording just a tad bit tighter to the arc on the white circle. the beginning...
  11. khanvict

    TFO T-Shirt Design Contest

    those are great designs. i love the colours in the tortoise. my pet peeve is the neon green and blue...accents...i will call them. if those are black and maybe the link is in another font and or displayed in another manner then i would say it'd be perfect. nonetheless...
  12. khanvict

    ok everyone read this! (LONG story advice needed!)

    i think if your intentions are good then the rest will take care of itself. sure, she may find a better home but there is always someone out there who has it better than you. she may also not end up going to a better home. i say, don't over think it. if this is what you truly want then go for...
  13. khanvict

    Do I have a male/female?

    thank you all for letting me know and for the nice comments. yes it is my first tortoise and my first pet actually. it's been confusing trying to figure him out. he was becoming really active last week. i let him outside and that seem to stimulate him. also, making the changes to the enclosure...
  14. khanvict

    Do I have a male/female?

    Here are pictures of the russian I got from petco a little more than a week ago. Please help me determine if I have a male/female. Also, if you note anything peculiar from the pictures please describe or if it helps to post more pictures of a certain attribute of the tortoise ask me to. My...
  15. khanvict

    Go Lakers!

    Athletes and celebrities are just like you and me. We're all human beings who make mistakes, commit sins, have skeletons in our closets, and our own demons to battle. The media builds them up into these 'larger-than-life' figures for the sole purpose of then knocking them down by exposing...
  16. khanvict

    russian and eastern box outdoor enclosures

    i like how you created a very natural environment for an enclosure. i like it, good work :)
  17. khanvict

    Tortoise Enclosure [In Progress]

    some revisions: - moved the heat/uv lamp to right side of enclosure - added flagstone flat rock (can't really tell because of the glare but it's there) - added patch of grass - added a toy ball to play with - reduced size of topsoil dish (was my water dish, need to get another one now so...
  18. khanvict

    Tortoise Enclosure [In Progress]

    this is the mulch i'm using.
  19. khanvict

    Tortoise Enclosure [In Progress]

    I went to home depot looking for some and mostly they have these paver-type stones and flagstone rock i think it's called. the flagstone has a more natural shape to it but both are kind of thick. they actually had this other kind of stone/rock i dont know what it was, it was perfect, they were...
  20. khanvict

    Go Lakers!

    i can't wait for game 7! lakers are definitely going to win and this will be great redemption from 2008! kobe solidifies his legendary status (in my eyes he's already surpassed jordan as the greatest of all time) with his 5th ring and the lakers can probably cake-walk into a 3-peat next season...