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  1. ND135

    Best indoor substrate for red foot tortoises

    I like it and I think he does too. I still put some Eco Earth coconut fiber substrate over it and spray gently with a misting water bottle, because he loves to burrow, but it really does help with holding humidity and when he burrows it gives his nails something to grip and scratch against...
  2. ND135

    Best indoor substrate for red foot tortoises

    I saw you recommend this in another thread and I've been using it ever since.
  3. ND135

    Tortoise trying to escape

    I agree with @Littleredfootbigredheart Your tort needs more space and I'd say higher sides. I just moved my red foot into a larger enclosure (6x3) he is 3 yrs old. He tried to climb out a few times (he was in glass and used to seeing out-so I think he was trying to get to his regular view)...
  4. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    That is SUCH a great point. I did think of that when I bought the garden bed and got talked out of higher sides. I believe the sides are 12" high. I had a bad feeling when he started climbing the spider plants. Funny thing tho he NEVER tried to climb out in his glass enclosure. I was really...
  5. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Thanks. This system is impressive!!
  6. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Just a quick follow up. I removed the CHE without dome and he is now sleeping on his "hide side" of the enclosure. Thanks for the tip!!!
  7. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    What kind of sensors/system name do you use?
  8. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    The water dish is. I have his current dish on slate so he doesn’t eat so much substrate. When he walks to the dish the substrate bulldozes into the dish
  9. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Yes. Stupid autocorrect!!
  10. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Fogger officially removed just now!
  11. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Got it. Duh Natalie LOL
  12. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Got it. Duh Natalie LOL
  13. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Thank you!! Wow great call on the log it is looking a bit nasty. He loves to climb the log. Any climbing suggestions in place of the log? I’ll grab him a flower pot - I also need to get him a triacetate food dish Thanks ZP!!
  14. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Thanks The domes are CHE. The hood is the T5 UV. Wow great call on the lower CHE. This is our first 24 hours and I was afraid he would not be warm enough but he is now sleeping in the corner near that CHE in the spider plants! That surprises me but you are on to something I’m hoping to...
  15. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Thanks and you are correct about the humidity difference for sure between our areas!!! I do have sprayers but need to attach them when the new gantry is made. For now I’m using the fogger and spraying the substrate. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. I’d love to see pics when...
  16. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    This is awesome! What are you using to read temps and humidity. Thats way more impressive than the beeping Reptizoo that I have Thanks so much for caring and answering !
  17. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Thanks!! I do have orchid bark under so this helps to hear. I will pack some substrate and pour warm water. I can’t tell if he loves this or is scared to death of the change. This is his first non glass enclosure (pet shop glass then home for a year in glass). What should I look for as far...
  18. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    Thanks!!! I have a friend who is building a wood gantry for all of the lights but I will take you up on that advice - the frame is flimsy I’m anxious to get that gantry set up! I feel dumb asking. Use the fogger in the room but not the enclosure. The fogger is hooked up to a humidistat set to...
  19. ND135

    Red Foot New Enclosure Finally

    I’m finally thrilled to say I have finished my red foot’s new enclosure. He had been in a glass aquarium since last year. He is nervous and needs time to adjust. I had a nice scene background in his glass enclosure that he seems to be missing but I know this is healthier for him in the long...
  20. ND135

    Red foot isn’t acting right

    My Redfoot is not an adult, so some of this post may not apply or help your situation. My Redfoot (Lightning) is between 2-3 years old. 1. I would definitely recommend a veterinarian visit. When receiving any new pet, it is always good to get them looked over and assessed. It did me a...