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  1. Alex and the Redfoot

    dry tortoise shell?

    Tortoise can get used to a routine. Just be consistent about order of events and timings. Zovick is right, that sporadic handling stress them out.
  2. Alex and the Redfoot

    Looking into breeds

    Yes, please come back when you decide on a tortoise. Feel free to discuss enclosure and equipment before ordering it (this can save you some money, time and peace of mind).
  3. Alex and the Redfoot

    Is this the beginning of pyramiding?

    Generally, it's not advised to bring invertebrates from the outside as they can be infested with parasites. However, tortoises in outside enclosures catch and eat them so I would not consider a huge problem. Earthworms have good nutritional value. Crickets and grasshoppers are less preferred and...
  4. Alex and the Redfoot

    Is this the beginning of pyramiding?

    Hello! It's pyramiding. Not too bad, but it's not the beginning either. As I can tell (not an expert opinion!) it's pure cosmetic and there are no serious underlying problems like MBD (metabolic bone disease). You may check current living conditions of the tortoise against this care sheet...
  5. Alex and the Redfoot

    Looking into breeds

    Things will be much easier with species who don't constant high temperatures and brumate (hibernate) in winter like most of Testudo species (Greek, Russian, Hermanns and maybe Marginated). I'm not completely sure but stars are not brumating and they need accomodation for the...
  6. Alex and the Redfoot

    Looking into breeds

    Hello! I would start with this generic information first: It covers all the basic of tortoise care and requirements (enclosures, feeding, heating and lightning and more). Then you can proceed to star tortoises...
  7. Alex and the Redfoot

    Can tortoises hear and respond to hearing.

    So true :))))
  8. Alex and the Redfoot

    Can tortoises hear and respond to hearing.

    "Bzzz. Ms. Leonora, please proceed to your night quarters immediately. I repeat, immediately" ... Maybe Tom can tell if tortoises can be trained to do that. But as he still uses Rubbermaid cart, probably it's too much hassle.
  9. Alex and the Redfoot

    How can I be a better owner?

    A normal tortoise walk is with shell lifted above the ground and legs under the the shell (not splayed out to the sides). If your tortoises walks like sea turtle babies rushing to the water - something's wrong. I see no issues with legs on the photo.
  10. Alex and the Redfoot

    T8 Bulbs & Housing

    I use vivariums and simply attach mounting brackets to the ceiling. With Desert 12% lamps and 24" tall vivarium there is no room for chains and such - it's easier to make an elevation on substrate than mess with chains or cords. With 30-36" tall vivariums you have some room for hanging UVB tube...
  11. Alex and the Redfoot

    T8 Bulbs & Housing

    I believe Arcadia makes T8 lamps only because there are many old vivariums and people do not want or can not replace them with T5 (because of vivarium height, for example). So there is still a demand for the lamps. T5 are superior to T8 so there is no good reason to use T8 for new setups (unless...
  12. Alex and the Redfoot

    Ceratonia siliqua (carob tree) - edible?

    My tort went for it without hesitation, so I think, she knows better :) As of oxalates, yes I know, it's not a big concern. I try to balance foods high in oxalates with calcium powder, hibiscus or mulberry leaves (hopefully, it works :) ). I'm not a fan of TTT, but it's a good general reference...
  13. Alex and the Redfoot

    How can I be a better owner?

    Hello and welcome! Your intent to provide him a better life is more important than past mistakes. That's what makes you a good tortoise owner. If you haven't seen this post already, I recommend to read it carefully (and Temperate species care sheet and Tom's Brumation Thread linked at the...
  14. Alex and the Redfoot

    Does my set up sound okay?

    Yes, it's red-colored... The word "nocturnal" hints its intended use. Really interesting why breeder used it for tortoises. This is a flood incandescent lamp (very similar to what you have but should provide milder heating over larger area)...
  15. Alex and the Redfoot

    Feedback for closed chamber for western hermann's hatchling?

    Lamp itself (thin glass tube) is installed into a fixture - and some fixtures are easier to hang from or screw to the lid (like Arcadia). Some are easier to place on top of the lid (like ZooMed Reptisun Terrarium hood). Both types are rather easy to install either way.
  16. Alex and the Redfoot

    Info For New People. Please Read This First.

    No worries. Whole Energy Smart line of bulb are replacements for incandescent bulbs (either LED or fluorescent). A notable thing on the packaging is lamp wattage (15W and wattage of incandescent lamp it replaces - 65W). Packaging clearly states "spiral bulb inside", as well. Also, you can find a...
  17. Alex and the Redfoot

    Info For New People. Please Read This First.

    Hi! These are "compact fluorescent lamps", not suitable to use as basking lamps. And poor source of ambient light as well.
  18. Alex and the Redfoot

    Does my set up sound okay?

    Hello! If you have a red-colored bulb they make surrounding objects look reddish. As red is naturally attractive color for foods, tortoise may start eating things it shouldn't, like substrate. If you have a "deep heat projector" - it outputs excessive amount of Infrared A, which heats and...
  19. Alex and the Redfoot

    Advices for my lil wstern herman

    This one is decorative LED light. But if you can place whole 20 meters above the enclosure, this should be bright enough. One thing to check before installing - is how "white" color looks. The strip has colored and white diodes and in the worst case "white" color is only when 1/4 of diodes is...
  20. Alex and the Redfoot

    Feedback for closed chamber for western hermann's hatchling?

    Hello and welcome! I'll try to answer as much as I can (if I'll miss something just ask again): 1. For accurate humidity measurements you will need a digital hygrometer/thermometer. Most hardware stores have them (price is from 2-3 to 10-15 bucks, AccuRite are known to be good). 2. To maintain...