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  1. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    Thank you so much for the help its very much appreciated. I’d rather know i hadn’t been the best at caring for them than never finding out and making the same mistakes. I would also like to elaborate that i am currently a teenager living with my parents and as much as i attempt to improve their...
  2. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    We took the previous tortoise to a specialised reptilian vet due to a prolapse likely to either the growth issue or previous care mistakes. They came to this conclusion after around a couple months of on and off health issues, lots of testing and that her prolapse continued after many attempts...
  3. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

  4. Grxciea

    Greek Tortoise left out overnight and health questions

    My 5 Year old Greek tortoise was left out last night due to my father letting her outside and carelessly forgetting about her. I was not at home during this time and got back panicking and got her straight into the warmth. Although its July, the UK weather has not been the best and the temperate...
  5. Grxciea

    gooey bloody poo?

    Mavis has passed. I made the decision to put her down after finding out that she had a genetic growth problem that was causing her to grow at a rabid rate but her organs couldn’t keep up causing her immense pain. Thank you all for the help once again sending love your way. Rest in peace Mavy baby.
  6. Grxciea

    gooey bloody poo?

    I really appreciate your say and i believe i’ve just learnt this the hard way. Thank you everyone for all the help and advice you have given. I promise it hasn’t gone unnoticed. Sadly we picked Mavis up from the vet and her so called stitches came out and caused the prelapse to reopen again. She...
  7. Grxciea

    gooey bloody poo?

    I have read on the care sheets i was provided with from this website and made a various notes on it. We are just looking for as much input as possible in order for both Mavis and Rhiannon to have the best lives.
  8. Grxciea

    gooey bloody poo?

    We have taken her to one of the best UK exotic animals clinic and all is well. She has been given pain relief and is undergoing treatment currently. We are picking her up once we are called to do so. I’ve submitted a form to the clinic about her lifestyle and how she is kept in order to get...
  9. Grxciea

    gooey bloody poo?

    They both live in separate enclosures as i’m aware they are solitary animals. After having quite a stern speaking to with my stepmother they have agreed to do a lot better with the tortoise care. Thank you for the help!
  10. Grxciea

    gooey bloody poo?

    Thank you very much for this kind response its much appreciated. I will focus on the enclosure a lot more now and have a few questions if you don’t mind. 1) What substrates would you recommend? 2) We are working on also giving them an outdoor enclosure with a lot more space to roam, would you...
  11. Grxciea

    gooey bloody poo?

    I recently got my parents to build a larger enclosure than what they had before and i can see if they can do that again. It’s really difficult because although they are mine because im a teenager that relies financially on my parents its really up to them. I can vary the substrate etc but a lot...
  12. Grxciea

    gooey bloody poo?

    My 5 year old female greek tortoise has what i can only describe to be a gooey, jelly like bloody substance coming out of her. We’re taking her to the reptile specialist but to calm my nerves does anyone have any idea on what this may be?
  13. Grxciea

    Greek tortoise not growing.

    Thats what i do, i even scrub out the tub i use before i soak the other one aha. I feel bad for my poor baby but ive learned from my mistakes and im seeing her health improve!
  14. Grxciea

    Greek tortoise not growing.

    Heres the size comparison between both. Both female and the same age.
  15. Grxciea

    Greek tortoise not growing.

    Thank you. I will check it out now. I appreciate the help
  16. Grxciea

    Greek tortoise not growing.

    Also the enclosure was built and designed by myself based off of research.
  17. Grxciea

    Greek tortoise not growing.

    They are completely seperate. Cannot see each-other not have made contact since the separation two years back. I got all of my things and the torts themselves from a breeder that breeds marginated tortoises and greek tortoises. Theres also thermometers spread throughout parts of the table and i...
  18. Grxciea

    Greek tortoise not growing.

    I’ve been concerned for my little ones health for a while now as she has not grown compared to my other Greek tortoise who is around the same age. She is five years old and only just bigger than a hatchling. I do not know if it is something to do with the bullying when both the girls shared an...