
May 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Swindon england
My 5 year old female greek tortoise has what i can only describe to be a gooey, jelly like bloody substance coming out of her. We’re taking her to the reptile specialist but to calm my nerves does anyone have any idea on what this may be?


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Well-Known Member
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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Looks to me like a prolapse. Don't let it dry out.
I think you desperately need to read our care sheet and make big improvements to the enclosure ASAP!
The size and substrate is all wrong.
Put a sugar paste on the prolapse after soaking her in warm water first. Keep the sugar paste on it and moist.


May 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Swindon england
Looks to me like a prolapse. Don't let it dry out.
I think you desperately need to read our care sheet and make big improvements to the enclosure ASAP!
The size and substrate is all wrong.
Put a sugar paste on the prolapse after soaking her in warm water first. Keep the sugar paste on it and moist.
I recently got my parents to build a larger enclosure than what they had before and i can see if they can do that again. It’s really difficult because although they are mine because im a teenager that relies financially on my parents its really up to them. I can vary the substrate etc but a lot of the care is in there hands and i feel really out of options due to my parents being stubborn. I’ll continue to push for a better place for them to live in and i’m sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll try better.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
That looks like a prolapse to me too. It is likely the result of straining to defecate because of a small enclosure and overly dry conditions.

They have to be able to walk a lot each day to keep the GI tract moving well, much like a horse. When they are housed in a tiny enclosure they cannot get the needed locomotion. Dry conditions result in more water being absorbed in the intestinal tract, and that makes for less motility in the fecal bolus. These two factors working together often lead to a prolapsed cloaca.

If your tortoise survives this episode, it needs the correct conditions, correct substrate, regular soaks, and an adequately sized enclosure. I realize that your parents are not "tortoise experts" but they are responsible for this living creature and they need to set a good example for you by taking proper care of it. Please invite them to read this, and questions from them or you are welcome. Our only goal is to help keep your tortoise healthy and thriving.


May 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Swindon england
That looks like a prolapse to me too. It is likely the result of straining to defecate because of a small enclosure and overly dry conditions.

They have to be able to walk a lot each day to keep the GI tract moving well, much like a horse. When they are housed in a tiny enclosure they cannot get the needed locomotion. Dry conditions result in more water being absorbed in the intestinal tract, and that makes for less motility in the fecal bolus. These two factors working together often lead to a prolapsed cloaca.

If your tortoise survives this episode, it needs the correct conditions, correct substrate, regular soaks, and an adequately sized enclosure. I realize that your parents are not "tortoise experts" but they are responsible for this living creature and they need to set a good example for you by taking proper care of it. Please invite them to read this, and questions from them or you are welcome. Our only goal is to help keep your tortoise healthy and thriving.
Thank you very much for this kind response its much appreciated.
I will focus on the enclosure a lot more now and have a few questions if you don’t mind.
1) What substrates would you recommend?
2) We are working on also giving them an outdoor enclosure with a lot more space to roam, would you recommend anything?
3) I was focused on their diet for a while and what i’ve found is high fibre weeds and vegetables, is there anything else i may need to improve this?
4) What are the best ways to keep the enclosure from getting too dry and maintain better conditions?
Many thanks from all of us.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Thank you very much for this kind response its much appreciated.
I will focus on the enclosure a lot more now and have a few questions if you don’t mind.
1) What substrates would you recommend?
2) We are working on also giving them an outdoor enclosure with a lot more space to roam, would you recommend anything?
3) I was focused on their diet for a while and what i’ve found is high fibre weeds and vegetables, is there anything else i may need to improve this?
4) What are the best ways to keep the enclosure from getting too dry and maintain better conditions?
Many thanks from all of us.
All of this and much more is explained right here, and there is a temperate species care sheet near the bottom. I recommend reading through it at least twice to take it all in.

After you read it, please come back with any questions. Feel free to ask for more detail or more clarification on any of it.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Do you have one or two? They can not live in pairs.
You will need an enclosure of proper size for each one. If your parents can't do better then please consider rehoming them until you are older and can provide for tortoises yourself.


May 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Swindon england
Do you have one or two? They can not live in pairs.
You will need an enclosure of proper size for each one. If your parents can't do better then please consider rehoming them until you are older and can provide for tortoises yourself.
They both live in separate enclosures as i’m aware they are solitary animals. After having quite a stern speaking to with my stepmother they have agreed to do a lot better with the tortoise care. Thank you for the help!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
They both live in separate enclosures as i’m aware they are solitary animals. After having quite a stern speaking to with my stepmother they have agreed to do a lot better with the tortoise care. Thank you for the help!
Good for you. That's the way to stand up for your shelled buddies.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 21, 2016
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Hi. I hope it's a good tortoise vet you will be taking her to, and that the tortoise will recover. All the information on the care sheets here is golden! Please keep us updated on her progress.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Wellington said something VERY IMPORTANT - DO NOT ALLOW IT TO DRY OUT!!!

This is NOT gooey, bloody poop. It is her insides coming out from straining too hard.

Mix up some granulated sugar into a paste (very little watr) and gob it on that part, holding it in place with plastic wrap ( like what you wrap food in). Use masking tape to hold the wrap in place. The sugar helps the swelling go down so she can retract the organ.

But she needs vet help to push it back in.

Whatever is causing her to strain so hard needs to be addressed or it will keep happening - constipated, egg bound, whatever.


May 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Swindon england
Wellington said something VERY IMPORTANT - DO NOT ALLOW IT TO DRY OUT!!!

This is NOT gooey, bloody poop. It is her insides coming out from straining too hard.

Mix up some granulated sugar into a paste (very little watr) and gob it on that part, holding it in place with plastic wrap ( like what you wrap food in). Use masking tape to hold the wrap in place. The sugar helps the swelling go down so she can retract the organ.

But she needs vet help to push it back in.

Whatever is causing her to strain so hard needs to be addressed or it will keep happening - constipated, egg bound, whatever.
Hi. I hope it's a good tortoise vet you will be taking her to, and that the tortoise will recover. All the information on the care sheets here is golden! Please keep us updated on her progress.
We have taken her to one of the best UK exotic animals clinic and all is well. She has been given pain relief and is undergoing treatment currently. We are picking her up once we are called to do so. I’ve submitted a form to the clinic about her lifestyle and how she is kept in order to get feedback so we can put things in place for her health and wellbeing.
We cannot afford extra examination to see the proper cause of why she had gotten the prolapse so currently we are hoping for the best.
The vet said she is in good condition overall besides the prolapse.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
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Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
We have taken her to one of the best UK exotic animals clinic and all is well. She has been given pain relief and is undergoing treatment currently. We are picking her up once we are called to do so. I’ve submitted a form to the clinic about her lifestyle and how she is kept in order to get feedback so we can put things in place for her health and wellbeing.
We cannot afford extra examination to see the proper cause of why she had gotten the prolapse so currently we are hoping for the best.
The vet said she is in good condition overall besides the prolapse.
Be very careful with what they say is proper care. Most gave no clue the proper care. Many either just plain don't know or are stuck on the old outdated care.
Proper care is on this forum within the proper species caresheet.


May 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Swindon england
Be very careful with what they say is proper care. Most gave no clue the proper care. Many either just plain don't know or are stuck on the old outdated care.
Proper care is on this forum within the proper species caresheet.
I have read on the care sheets i was provided with from this website and made a various notes on it. We are just looking for as much input as possible in order for both Mavis and Rhiannon to have the best lives.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
We have taken her to one of the best UK exotic animals clinic and all is well. She has been given pain relief and is undergoing treatment currently. We are picking her up once we are called to do so. I’ve submitted a form to the clinic about her lifestyle and how she is kept in order to get feedback so we can put things in place for her health and wellbeing.
We cannot afford extra examination to see the proper cause of why she had gotten the prolapse so currently we are hoping for the best.
The vet said she is in good condition overall besides the prolapse.
In addition to not knowing tortoise care and continually repeating the same old wrong info that me and everyone else learned decades ago, here is my problem with most vets: They treat the symptoms presented, but never address and correct the CAUSE of the problem. Of course the prolapse needed immediate attention from a veterinary professional. That is what vets are good for, and it sounds like they did a fine job. But now, YOU have to figure out WHY this happened and take steps to prevent a re-occurance. Vet bills cost a heck of a lot more than buying the correct substrate and a large enclosure. You and your parents need to understand that these vet bills and hassles of having to spend time driving to the vet are a direct result of not housing the tortoise correctly. To avoid future problems and vet bills and visits, spend the time and money to correct the housing mistakes. And don't go to a pet shop to correct these mistakes. A pet shop will tell you the wrong info and sell you the wrong products, and this will be immeasurably frustrating for you, your parents, and your tortoises. Most of what you need can be found at the hardware store for a lot less money than a pet shop. There are a few exceptions like the Arcadia basking flood bulbs and ProT5 12% HO UV kits, but most tortoise items are found outside of the normal "pet" channels.

Ask questions. We are here to help. A million questions about every little thing from you is not a bother. It is not annoying. You are NOT imposing by trying to learn more. This is a tortoise forum. Our interest is in having healthy tortoises and happy tortoise keepers. We are all here to talk tortoises and learn.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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I don't know for sure, but the feel I get for it is that the vets in the UK (where our OP is) have more tortoise knowledge than those here in the U.S.


May 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Swindon england
In addition to not knowing tortoise care and continually repeating the same old wrong info that me and everyone else learned decades ago, here is my problem with most vets: They treat the symptoms presented, but never address and correct the CAUSE of the problem. Of course the prolapse needed immediate attention from a veterinary professional. That is what vets are good for, and it sounds like they did a fine job. But now, YOU have to figure out WHY this happened and take steps to prevent a re-occurance. Vet bills cost a heck of a lot more than buying the correct substrate and a large enclosure. You and your parents need to understand that these vet bills and hassles of having to spend time driving to the vet are a direct result of not housing the tortoise correctly. To avoid future problems and vet bills and visits, spend the time and money to correct the housing mistakes. And don't go to a pet shop to correct these mistakes. A pet shop will tell you the wrong info and sell you the wrong products, and this will be immeasurably frustrating for you, your parents, and your tortoises. Most of what you need can be found at the hardware store for a lot less money than a pet shop. There are a few exceptions like the Arcadia basking flood bulbs and ProT5 12% HO UV kits, but most tortoise items are found outside of the normal "pet" channels.

Ask questions. We are here to help. A million questions about every little thing from you is not a bother. It is not annoying. You are NOT imposing by trying to learn more. This is a tortoise forum. Our interest is in having healthy tortoises and happy tortoise keepers. We are all here to talk tortoises and learn.
I really appreciate your say and i believe i’ve just learnt this the hard way. Thank you everyone for all the help and advice you have given. I promise it hasn’t gone unnoticed. Sadly we picked Mavis up from the vet and her so called stitches came out and caused the prelapse to reopen again. She is there again but we are in a hard place financially so i don’t actually know if we can afford getting her any further treatment. We’re looking into how to provide an affordable house for her and have ordered recommended uvb bulbs etc…
I’m also currently doing research into better substrate and re-reading all the care sheets.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
You also have to determine why this happened in the first place. Did they take X-rays to determine if she's egg bound or constipated? You need to clear this up before the prolapse will stay inside where it belongs.

In the meantime, place her in a tub with tall sides so she can't climb out, your bathtub works good. Add enough warm water to come up to the middle of her sides, and just go away and leave her. Go back and check every so often to be sure she hasn't gotten into trouble, but just leave her there. An hour isn't too long, and longer is probably even better. The more she scrambles to get out, the better it will be for her.


May 2, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Swindon england
You also have to determine why this happened in the first place. Did they take X-rays to determine if she's egg bound or constipated? You need to clear this up before the prolapse will stay inside where it belongs.

In the meantime, place her in a tub with tall sides so she can't climb out, your bathtub works good. Add enough warm water to come up to the middle of her sides, and just go away and leave her. Go back and check every so often to be sure she hasn't gotten into trouble, but just leave her there. An hour isn't too long, and longer is probably even better. The more she scrambles to get out, the better it will be for her.
Mavis has passed. I made the decision to put her down after finding out that she had a genetic growth problem that was causing her to grow at a rabid rate but her organs couldn’t keep up causing her immense pain.
Thank you all for the help once again sending love your way.
Rest in peace Mavy baby.

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