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  1. P

    Mineral Supplement

    You could use Repashy Veggiedust. I think they are just like vitamin and calcium supplement, but safer. And as to why your animal is eating rock, sometime when you put animals in captivity they develop behavior problems if they can't express their behavior like they would in the wild. I know...
  2. P

    Mayo's Salad

    I think too much tends make the shell growth not as pretty, but I guess it's OK. It's not going to pyramide that badly. I see people who feed a lot of Mazuri to their redfoot tortoises the shell is not as pretty, but it's not that bad either.
  3. P

    Mayo's Salad

    Wait... I actually feed my Russian only 5 times a week and they take two days off.
  4. P

    Mayo's Salad

    Just follow the direction and you'll be fine. I sprinkle it everyday according the dosage on the direction. I have a Russian tort, though.
  5. P


    Why use other brand when Mazuri is already well balanced? :-)
  6. P


    that actually looks good. Do I really have to add the Marion brand? I think Mazuri is already complete. I like the hay in their though. They do need a lot of fiber.
  7. P


    I still think you have to be careful, though. Even I won't take the multivitamin and calcium supplements without consulting a physician.
  8. P


    You have to be careful giving multivitamin and calcium supplements and not got overboard. It can be very dangerous. And plus variety is very difficult to do in captivity, especially when we don't know much about their wild diet and what they eat from hour to hour, day to day, season to season...
  9. P


    I think it's easier to just give them Mazuri tortoise chow a long with the regular food or some Repashy Superveggie sprinkle over their food as a way to make up for what is missing in the captive diet. Some species of tortoise, like the Indian star, can be difficult to raised to adulthood...
  10. P

    reptile calcium

    This is a complex relation between food vitamins and minerals. You must get the dosage right. If you double the amount of calcium without raising the phosphorous to get the ideal ratio of about 2:1, it may not be absorb properly and the animal will suffer from metabolic bone disease...
  11. P

    reptile calcium

    Calcium pills actually can cause heart attack in humans. People should take it with caution.
  12. P

    plants in my torts enclosure

    I know bay leaf is poisonous but some herb mixes do have ground up bay leaves. I think oregano is kindda poisonous if the tort eats it in large quantity because they eat plants as their primary food source. Humans only add small amount to their food and plus we are a lot heavier and bigger...
  13. P

    Bee bread/pollen feeding help?

    i think they can handle sugar if it is from digested grass because it doesn't overwhelm the system, but too much sugar all at once like from eatin fruits and other sources can cause parasite bloom. I could be wrong with my limited experience.
  14. P

    Spring Mix

    I hear people soak the hay in water to get the baby to eat hay.
  15. P

    reptile calcium

    Yes, I have read about this... too much calcium with a lot of vitamin D3 can cause soft-tissue calcification. And adding to much calcium, exceeding the ratio of 2:1 can also cause MBD. I think these diet added vitamins with how they interact with one another in mind. I'm not exactly sure...
  16. P

    reptile calcium

    Overdosing on calcium really depends on the ratio of calcium to phosphorous...not the amount. Your body can process and excrete the excess very efficiently if the ratio are ideal. The ideal range would be about 2:1, calcium get's process easily too by the body at 3:1. But if the calcium level...
  17. P

    reptile calcium

    You can supplement their diet with Mazuri, Agrob and Repashy Superveggie so you don't need to supplement with calcium... they are design to round out and boost the nutrition of the limited captive diet. If you supplement with calcium carbonate, yoiu need to figure out how much Calcium and...
  18. P

    Timothy Hay Pellets

    My Russians love them...
  19. P


    Yes, what he said. I think it is called Agrob... I hear it's a really good product.
  20. P

    What kind of tortoise is this?

    Looks like an eastern box turtle... :-)