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  1. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    It completely made my day to see her coming out nice and early 🥺😊
  2. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Today, Sully acted normal. Last night was the first night with the heat emitter which kept the temp at 29.5. This morning she came out on her own at 9:15, the earliest ever since she started acting strangely. She ate a lot today, had a soak, pooped twice, peed with calcium (on me 😊) and came...
  3. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    That is true, he is just so small for a 9 month old and fragile 🥺 He used to poop daily but he pooped every other day this week and ate quite a bit if not every day, every other day this week...I can't wait to move him in his new home on Tuesday!!! 🙂 I will keep sending updates! 😊
  4. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Thank you, that is what we will do when the uvb light arrives on Tuesday and we can move him in the new we have to alternate between emitters at night and heat/lamp during the day...but it is just for another day!!
  5. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    @Tom @wellington is 29.5 degrees celsius too high at night? Added a heat emitter at night until the High Output t5 uvb strip comes on Tuesday...I am wondering if it is too strong... 🤔
  6. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Thank it is: After his bath today!
  7. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    I have no idea what to think...yesterday he came out of his den and ate a lot! Today he stayed in there all day and didnt come out at all...I had to take him out to give him his soak...I uploaded a video of his walk as I am not sure if he seems weak on his back feet...
  8. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Hi, I honestly dont know...yesterday, after nearly 2 days without eating much,sye came out, ate quite a lot, had his soak, and went straight back in his den...and then came out later...and then back that was a positivie. Today, she did not come out at all, so I took her out, gently woke...
  9. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Thank you, this is not available on Amazon in the UK until 2025! I am trying in the store that I found however it keeps rejecting the really worries me because I want to fix it asap....
  10. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Would you say this is also good? I found it in store so I could get it now...
  11. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    It is strange, on Amazon it says T5 in the title and T8 in the product found this instead: :)
  12. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Unfortunately we live in the UK and there is no sun most of the time...kept looking and found this. Is this one good? Seems to be HO and right specs... Or maybe this because it is a t5? Not sure since it is for terarium...
  13. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Hey, thank you for asking...of course. We used this service: We had to send 3 poo samples from 3 different days, and 2 mouth swabs, we received the kit at home and send it so the lab receives it same/next day. Here are the results...
  14. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    We got this enclosure now (see attached) and we will need to get more substrate tomorrow and the light/heat as they were not available today... We found this for light: and we are looking for this for heat...
  15. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Morning everyone! Today he ate a lot and climbed as he usually would on our hand, and seemes happier. He still goes back in his den afterwards but he has done some rounds of walking around first. We cancelled the vet appointment and changing the enclosure this evening! 😊
  16. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Hi, thank you so much!! I missed your comment and just seen it...yes, this is temporarily so we hopefully see good growth soon after we change it...I don't want her to suffer so an asap solution had to be found. Will definitely read this properly!!! Thank you
  17. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    @wellington is this the tube you are referring to? For night time, we were looking at getting a heat mat...? And for the heat bulb, the enclosure comes with a ceramic you recommend us replacing it with something...
  18. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    Thank you @Tom, I want to keep it like this even if it is for 6 months and get him well and the mean time, getting the best enclosure possible is the plan...I really hope Sully will recover and won't take him to the least not tomorrow. Focusing on changing the enclosure...
  19. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    @Tom @wellington Thank you so much. @Tom - the enclosures look amazing, we want to get something like that (I am in the UK) but our Sully obviously needs the change sooner rather than we will pick up his new enclosure tomorrow evening. Here is what we will get...
  20. sully_baby

    Worried about strange behaviour of baby sulcata

    @Tom @wellington if we get a close top vivarium, is a strip uv light ok and if so, what type do I need? I am attaching a photo of one I found and want to get tomorrow...