Search results

  1. J

    Enclosure help for yellowfoot

    My husband just built this enclosure for our yellowfoot, but I feel like I've come accross some contradicting info, info that is for other types of tortoises, and just so many different opinions that it's overwhelming and we just want to be good caretakers and get this set up right before they...
  2. J

    Any tips on finding a reputable seller?

    Our little yellowfoot sadly did not survive. Honestly, he was never quite right; he never ate. After doing some reading around this forum, I found that are a stubstational number of people that had bad experiences similar to ours with this particular seller. We would like to get another...
  3. J


    We are located in Washington state and are looking for a yellowfoot, preferably a juvenile, but we are open to other ages. Thanks!
  4. J

    Lethargic, new, stays in cool area

    So, we just got our baby yellow foot yesterday morning. It ate some last night before we went to bed, but it keeps staying in the coolest corner of the tortoise table and it's eyes have been closed all morning and is moving its head a little. The warm side is about 92 degrees and the cool side...