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  1. Brewster320

    Year Round Perennial Veggies?

    For awhile I've had a 5' x 2.5' window that I picked out of the trash a year ago and was planning on using to build an enclosure of some sorts but now I'm going in another direction with that concept and have come up with the idea of using it to build a cold frame and grow veggies and such year...
  2. Brewster320

    Sago Palm

    Wow lol. Guess this might be another plant we can say kills everyone who eats it except tortoises :rolleyes:. Wouldn't want to test that further but sure seems like it lol. Thanks and thats what I've heard and originally sent me hear to start asking questions. Luckly my plant is a young one...
  3. Brewster320

    Sago Palm

    Ok so I take it that it's fine because they really don't pay attention to it. Thanks guys!
  4. Brewster320

    Sago Palm

    I had the assumption that palm trees were tortoise safe when I planted this with my russian but I've recently learned sago palms aren't really palms at all but are a type of cycad and evidently toxic (especially the seeds) and can kill dogs and cats (presumably people as well). So I've been...
  5. Brewster320

    Dealing with Ants

    I have finally effective removed them from her outdoor pen using this stuff. I haven't rid them from my yard but there are more ant hills within 15feet of her pen and those that are in the area are few and far between so they seem to be slowly moving away. Thanks again guys!
  6. Brewster320

    What's on the menu for your tortoise today?

    Usually I walk around my yard and just pick whatever looks like have grown nicely since the last time I picked it. Today, probably some hibiscus flowers, chicory, maybe some host flowers, maybe some weeds if i notice any, and probably mazuri on the side.
  7. Brewster320

    Best substrate and is hibiscus good?

    Usually I don't mind when I find little creepy crawlies in my enclosures unless they are ants, spiders, or centipedes. They just act as clean up crew, the decomposers. I actually have compost worms that I introduced from my worm colony into my russian's enclosure and they breed and live in the...
  8. Brewster320

    17 year cicadas and bees: are they a threat for tortoises when they spend time

    Unless your tort horribly disrupts an entire hive of bees I think he's in little danger. I also saw a documentary with a box turtle eating some swarming cicadas. So I doubt they'd really be anything other than a rare protein tort or annoyance in the torts eyes.
  9. Brewster320


    Thanks for the answer! What do you have on the ramp and shelf? Is that carpet?
  10. Brewster320

    Indoor Grazing

    I've seen some indoor tortoise enclosures on here that look like little meadows and awesome. I was just curious what grasses/weeds people use for this as I've heard many of the stuff we grow outside for them either doesn't do we'll inside or needs a dormancy period or else it will wither away an...
  11. Brewster320


    I'm in the process if building a new indoor enclosure for my RT Lucy and I've been toying with the idea of adding a shelf to makes a second level. Just wanted to see who else has done this and what you guys do to keep the tortoise from falling off the ramp and/or the shelf it's self. Also any...
  12. Brewster320

    Dealing with Ants

    Well I got some food grade DE and spread it over all the ant hills I could find as well as around and throughout her outdoor pen. Now I guess I'll just have to wait and see if it does the trick. Again thanks for the advice everyone!
  13. Brewster320

    Dealing with Ants

    Thanks for the advice guys! That's exactly the kind of answer I was looking for. I'll head to the local feed store tomorrow and see if they have some!
  14. Brewster320

    Diamondbacks in Full Marine Conditions?

    That's definitely something I haven't thought of. I wonder how long it's take them to go through live rock if they would and if they can. They definitely have string breaks though given what they eat.
  15. Brewster320

    Diamondbacks in Full Marine Conditions?

    Yeah I new that they needed to be soaked once a week in fresh. Figured fish would be food, thats why I figured something like damsels as they aren't expensive and they are fast (my brother has a reef tank and his damsels are crazy fast!). and what do they do to the rocks? Do they chew them up or...
  16. Brewster320

    Dealing with Ants

    This summer my back yard has suddenly gotten a large population of tiny dark red/ almost black ants that have made little hills all over my yard. Yesterday they left my dog covered in bites and she has bumps all over her. She's doing better now, she has very sensitive skin though so it probably...
  17. Brewster320

    Diamondbacks in Full Marine Conditions?

    I was just curious as to whether anyone has kept DBTs in full marine conditions. I know they are often kept in brackish conditions as well as freshwater but in nature I know there are populations of terrapins that live in full saltwater. I wonder how live rock would help with the filtration of a...
  18. Brewster320

    Lavender and torts

    I has lavender in my russians setup and she'll nibble it one in awhile but isn't crazy over it.
  19. Brewster320

    Will this hold my dog out?

    My opinion is if you are worried about your dog getting to your tort through the cage then the pen isn't a very secure cage. If its not dog proof it also means its not any other kind of predator proof, predators that are more determined than your dog as they don't see a chew toy, they see it as...
  20. Brewster320

    Article: steppe tortoise diet in the wild (commentary thread)

    Its good to see this form in a commentary form now and see other russian owners opinions. Its interesting though to see what they can eat. Poppy Buttercup Hosta Christmas Cactus Morning Glory All of these are toxic to mammals and poppy, buttercup, and morning glory are on the toxic list for...