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  1. M

    Surprise in my bookshelf

    After having my temporary guest for about a week, I decided to let him go today. I took him out to the barn since the cats are all fat and lazy and don't go far from the back porch, plus he'll have plenty of hiding places and food to eat out there.
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    Surprise in my bookshelf

    When I got home tonight I went to my bookshelf to have some reading and relaxing time and to my surprise when I pulled out my book there sat what I believe to be a deer mouse. It looks like one of my cats may have gotten ahold of it not too long ago. Although it didn't manage to do much damage I...
  3. M

    Petco Reptile Rally

    The only part she didn't like too much was riding in the car, but since I made a little mini enclosure out of a laundry basket for her she was able to just hide under her log during the trip there. I think having a little place with grass, a hide, some mazuri mix, and a soaking bowl helped her...
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    Petco Reptile Rally

    Today was the reptile rally at Petco, so I decided to take my little sulcatta Muffin. Everyone else brought snakes, although there were a couple bearded dragons and a leopard gecko. Part of the reptile rally was a raddest reptile contest which Muffin won. I was really proud of how outgoing...
  5. M

    Redone enclosure advice?

    She seems to really like her tunnel. When we first put her in she went right in and and paced back and forth between the two sides for a good hour. I'm not really worried about having a way to look in. I'm almost never home during the time she's awake and by the time I'm home her lights have...
  6. M

    Redone enclosure advice?

    The tunnel is just a shoe box with two ends cut out. Yes, the entire thing is solid. I would have liked to have used clear totes, but we only had the blue ones.
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    Redone enclosure advice?

    I've got a few things growing in the greenhouse, but I've got to wait to put them in otherwise she'll just eat them down to nothing. She's already done this several times.
  8. M

    Redone enclosure advice?

    Muffin's enclosure in our bedroom I'll eventually be attaching more totes to expand. Her cool side The substrate here is about half regular dirt from the field and half coco fiber. I have planted clover in it which will hopefully be sprouting soon, plus she has some hen and chicks to eat...
  9. M

    How does your tortoise sleep?

    My tort Muffin digs himself a little hole under a bit of hay everynight and lays in it so that only his back legs poke out.
  10. M

    Too much excrement?

    I try not to startle him, but he's always skittish around me. I think I don't interact with him enough. He only sees me for about 5 minutes a day, and that's always when I'm moving him from one place to another.
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    Too much excrement?

    He does, usually multiple times, and then always goes as soon as you take him out as well.
  12. M

    Too much excrement?

    I just wish he'd learn to poop when he's in his soak or outside or even in his enclosure. It seems like he really loves to go when he's being held though. It doesn't matter how long we let him soak, he inevitably goes as soon as we pick him up out of the soak.
  13. M

    Too much excrement?

    This may seem like an insignificant question, but how often should my 9 month old sulcatta be peeing and pooping? I soak him for 45 minutes everyday and he always poops at least twice and urinates at least twice in his soak. He also does both during his outside time at least once and he does...
  14. M

    Thinking of Adding a Second

    Keeping them apart won't be an issue. Our current tort stays at my boyfriend's house since we're around there more, but the new one will be staying at my house. Eventually they'll be living at the same house, but they'll have seperate enclosures at that point.
  15. M

    Russians Together

    The Petco was closed yesterday since it was a holiday, but I went in today to check on the tortoises. They seperated the largest of the three out into a little 10 gallon tank. The two smaller ones are still in together, but they seem to be just ignoring each other. There was a woman looking at...
  16. M

    Thinking of Adding a Second

    I found a year old sulcatta on craigslist for $50. It looks like it already has some pyramiding started, even more than the one I got from a pet store. It's been fed pretty much only letture and tomatoes, lives in a 10 gallon tank, and is rarely outside. If I did choose to adopt it, are there...
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    Russians Together

    I plan on going back tomorrow to see how they're doing and if they've seperated them.
  18. M

    Russians Together

    My local petco just started carrying mazuri today so I went in to get some and noticed they had gotten new tortoises in. They had three russians all of which were between 4 and 6 inches long housed in a 50 gallon tank. They were all piled up in one corner scratching and biting each other. How...
  19. M

    Inactive sulcata

    We have raised his temperature and I place him in his basking spot in the mornings, but he inststs on staying on the cool side of his enclosure.
  20. M

    Inactive sulcata

    My 9 months old sulcatta has been quite a bit less active than normal for the past two days. He's still been eating and pooping, but normally he spend all day traveling around his enclosure. He's even been less active during his outside time, preferring to just lay there instead of running...