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  1. jodietort

    My Geoffrey

    Yeah were in the middle of making one my partners father is a joiner and he's gonna make us a bugger indoor one and a big outdoor one for him :) can't wait for them to be finished
  2. jodietort

    My Geoffrey

    No we bought them being told they were one male and one female from this guy and but was told by people on here they were 2 males and they were bullying each other and k got really worried and were advised to separate them we did and sold one as it wasn't fair to keep them both in a smaller...
  3. jodietort

    My Geoffrey

    I recently found out that I had 2 male torts instead of male and female as I was told from the person I bought it off. They began to be bullying and sold one as now we are left with the girl ( who I named Lola) which now turns out to be a boy, so renamed Geoffrey. He already seems so much more...
  4. jodietort


    Thank you everybody
  5. jodietort


    Not seen any fighting over food but one seems to be blocking the other from going anywhere we've separated them now
  6. jodietort


    Are they? Oh right I'm keeping my eye out for bullying [hr] Is there anyway to prevent bullying or is separation the only way! I'm worried as I was sold them under the impression that they were a male and a female and both around 4/5 years old.
  7. jodietort


    We are extending it we just got that to start with. I have two pictures of their tails and wondered if anyone could hazard a guess at their sex? We will extend it for this winter then were making a larger one outside for summer . Thanks
  8. jodietort


    Could it? How can I tell properly if it is? I'll get them some good hides then :) thank you
  9. jodietort


    I'm wanting to know what else I can put in my table for my 2tortoises as in what hideouts to put in and stuff and any other general advise about them :) Thank you [hr] And is this them just loving each other? Found them like this this morning :)
  10. jodietort


    Yes we're swapping it tomorrow thanks
  11. jodietort


    Just wondering if my Leonard's shell is ok,looks all battered bless him!
  12. jodietort

    Lola and Leonard.

    Brilliant thank you so much
  13. jodietort

    Lola and Leonard.

    Thank you that's a lot of help! I'm just a little scared as I want the best for them! Is there anything else that they may like in their table to keep them occupied or anything
  14. jodietort

    Lola and Leonard.

    They have a mercury vapour bulb in and a good size feeding bowl. I will get some new bedding then as we were unsure this was good enough for them. We are getting some decorations and extra hiding places for them as we've only had them since Sunday. What's the best way to give them a good bath? Xx
  15. jodietort

    Lola and Leonard.

    I have just bought 2 Russian Tortoises, Lola and Leonard. I was told they are about 4/5 years old. As I am a first time tortoise owner and just want to make sure everything is ok. I want to know what the best bedding is to put In their table as I was sold reptoturf And wondered if there was...