Lola and Leonard.


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
I have just bought 2 Russian Tortoises, Lola and Leonard. I was told they are about 4/5 years old. As I am a first time tortoise owner and just want to make sure everything is ok.
I want to know what the best bedding is to put In their table as I was sold reptoturf And wondered if there was something better?
Also how long can it take them to settle in as they just seem to be staying in a corner coming out for a little while under the lamp and in their food then going back. Just wanting to make sure I'm doing things correctly as they are beautiful and I love them.
Thank you.
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The turf is not a good item too use for tortoises. Get pesticide and fertilizer free dirt. If you can't get that at this time, use coconut coir. Also, be sure you are not using any coil type bulbs, they cause eye problems. Be sure their temps are correct and that you have a very large enclosure. Feed as wide a variety of food as possible too. They will take some time too get used to,their environment, give them some time to settle in. Also, be sure to keep a close eye on them for bullying. They are one species that if they don't get along, they can get pretty mean to each other and then will need to have their own enclosure. To help with this, give too hides, two feeding spots and if possible, two food plates and basking spots. Also a good idea to put in some sight barriers.

Yvonne G

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Hi, and welcome to the Forum!

Your two new tortoises are full grown. I'd say the bigger one is about 10 years old or more, and the smaller one is even older than that.

I keep my full grown Russian tortoises outside, and it is my opinion, this is where full grown Russian tortoises belong. They hibernate, so being outside in the winter isn't a problem for me.

Since you just bought your tortoises, and its winter time, outside for you isn't an option...but please be thinking about it for when the weather warms up.

For indoor habitats I use orchid bark. Its easy for the tortoises to walk on, not dusty, and it can be slightly moistened without turning sour or moldy. Substrate seems to be a personal choice. Some members don't like orchid bark. Some prefer coco-coir, or even dirt from outside. Its just whatever works for you in your situation. But the alfalfa pellets shown in your picture are not a good choice.

Keeping Russian tortoises in pairs sometimes doesn't work very well. So keep an eye on your pair to be sure one isn't harassing the other, and that both of them are getting their share of the food.

If you've provided the tortoises with a nice, big indoor habitat, a couple of hiding places, a waterer, a feeding tile or rock, a heat source, a UVB source and some decorations in the habitat, then it may take your tortoises a couple weeks to acclimate.

Here's a link to a good care sheet for the russian tortoise:


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
They have a mercury vapour bulb in and a good size feeding bowl.
I will get some new bedding then as we were unsure this was good enough for them.
We are getting some decorations and extra hiding places for them as we've only had them since Sunday.
What's the best way to give them a good bath? Xx

Yvonne G

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I use a dish pan - plastic tub you can buy at any home improvement store in the kitchen department. Add just enough warm water so it comes up to the middle of the tortoises' sides. Where the top meets the bottom. This is called the bridge. Just leave them in there for at least 15 minutes. They may poop in the water, so you might have to change it out a couple of times before the time is up. Then, when you're ready to take them out, give them a good scrubbing with a soft bristle brush. Don't be afraid to scrub their skin as well as the shell.


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
Thank you that's a lot of help! I'm just a little scared as I want the best for them!
Is there anything else that they may like in their table to keep them occupied or anything

Yvonne G

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It's ok to clutter it up a bit, so they can't see the whole habitat from one spot. Lots of things they have to walk around, over and through.

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