My Geoffrey


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
I recently found out that I had 2 male torts instead of male and female as I was told from the person I bought it off. They began to be bullying and sold one as now we are left with the girl ( who I named Lola) which now turns out to be a boy, so renamed Geoffrey. He already seems so much more active he comes out more often as he is not being bullied anymore. I just took some photos of him eating as I just think he's beautiful. We are starting to add stuff to his table and any suggestions are welcome.
We have put him a hut in that he can walk through to access his water and good :) we just need to start to add extras in now :) thanks for all the advice :)
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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Wait...let me get this bought two male Russian tortoises, then because of the mounting and fighting, figured one of them was female, so you sold the other male, then found out that the female really IS a male after all! Hooray for truth in advertising. You DID get what you paid for! LOL!!

This is another little tid bit that proves that two Russian tortoises don't do well in the same habitat, regardless of the gender.

Your little guy is a real nice-looking Russian tortoise. I'm sure he's much happier being an only child!


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
No we bought them being told they were one male and one female from this guy and but was told by people on here they were 2 males and they were bullying each other and k got really worried and were advised to separate them we did and sold one as it wasn't fair to keep them both in a smaller table when both could have bigger ones :) he's a lot happier! Thank you


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Glad you solved the problem. Geoffrey can live a long happy life now. My suggestion would be to build a great big secure outdoor enclosure and only use the inside one during inclement weather.


New Member
Jan 7, 2014
Yeah were in the middle of making one my partners father is a joiner and he's gonna make us a bugger indoor one and a big outdoor one for him :) can't wait for them to be finished

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