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  1. envenomedcky

    heavy metal

    I LOVE metal! This is my band, I'm sure a lot of you won't be fans, but oh well! I'm the short haired guitarist.
  2. envenomedcky


    please do not feed your tortoise marijuana...
  3. envenomedcky

    Enclosure project.

    If you use some sort of liner on the inside of your table, you won't have to worry about sealing the bottom of the tortoise table, as moisture wouldn't be seeping through. I personally wouldn't paint it, in case the paints could have any adverse effects on your tortoise, better safe than sorry...
  4. envenomedcky

    Louie Updates

    I had a similar problem with Petsmart, my tortoise wasn't that sick, but sick enough that I was rightfully upset with the store. I posted something on the Petsmart facebook wall about how their animals are supposed to be "vet checked", and how I didn't want to return my tortoise to the store...
  5. envenomedcky

    Redfoot or Yellowfoot?

    Looks like a northern redfoot to me!
  6. envenomedcky

    rabbit pellets?

    I was using rabbit pellets for about a week and switched back to cypress mulch with a bit of sphagnum moss on top. My tortoise loves it. She can still walk around fine and because the cypress isn't too exposed, there should be an even smaller chance of impaction.
  7. envenomedcky

    A Russian Yearling... HELP :(

    Just take your tortoise to the vet and have the little fella wormed, then if he has more parasites, he'll be put on medication to take care of it. My redfoot was farm-born in south america, which is pretty much the same as being wild caught as far as parasites go. I had her treated and she's...
  8. envenomedcky

    redfoots at petco

    Yes, They only gave me a refund. I was still stuck with the vet bill. They do have full documentation of all of the ailments afflicting the tort.
  9. envenomedcky

    redfoots at petco

    I bought another red foot from Petsmart a few days ago and took him to the vet (Animal Care Unlimited in Ohio, VERY knowledgeable), and apparently the little guy/girl was swimming with parasites, had a respiratory infection, and was blind. Being as I am newer to raising torts, I didn't feel I...
  10. envenomedcky


    You could also try a cement mixing tub from a hardware store, I got a huge one for like 10 bucks, and my redfoot loves it. I'll be building a massive tortoise table in February though :D
  11. envenomedcky

    Hello from Columbus, Ohio

    I was actually at that show! The All Ohio Reptile Show? It's a five minute drive from my house once a month :)
  12. envenomedcky

    Hello from Columbus, Ohio

    I take Morla to my mothers house when I'm on the road where she is very well cared for. As for the music I play, I play in a metal band called Oceano. I'm not sure what kind of music everybody on this forum listens to, but I have a lot of fun playing metal and I listen to just about everything :)
  13. envenomedcky

    Hello from Columbus, Ohio

    It's just an avatar I use on other forums, it's AC Slater from Saved By the Bell, with "SLATER" written in the band Slayer's font.
  14. envenomedcky

    Hello from Columbus, Ohio

    Hello everybody! My name is Devin and I have a red footed tortoise named Morla. I have been fascinated by tortoises and turtles for my whole life, and I finally have the privilege of owning one! I made the mistake of buying her from Petsmart, and of course she was crawling with parasites. So...