Louie Updates

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5 Year Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Olympia, WA
Hi All,
We have had Louie now for nearly two weeks. Louie is a 6inch RF who came from a petsore. He had been there several months and every time I would see him he would be active, exploring, soaking and eating. About a week before we brought him home they introduced a new little RF in his tank that was very obviously sick (totally inactive would not open puffy eyes). I have observed Louie's activity and appetite decreasing somewhat in the time we have had him which left me concerned that he may have acquired what his prior roomie had. Went back to the petstore and found out the little one had died. I took Louie to the vet yesterday and he feels that a respiratory infection is likely due to some possible labored breathing and puffiness around the eyes. He was very active and alert at the vet but is decreasing in activity at home. So he is started on the baytril (1 0.1ml injection every 48 hours with 5 doses - not sure how many mg/ml). We have his enclosure shortened substantially with a piece of insulation to get the temps up to mid 80's and will be soaking him 15-20 minutes per day. My first question for you all is hopefully to get some feedback that Louie may recover from whatever is ailing him. I find the URTD statistic on the tortoiselibrary site very distressing - that only 20% of torts will recover from this. Can any of you kind folks let me know if you have seen your RF recover from a respiratory illness??

Second topic is regarding flagellates. I asked the vet to do a fecal check and he did while we were in the office and said it was fine. Then called me last night to say that on a couple slides he made after I left he found numerous flagellates. He said with a healthy immune system Louie maybe able to clear on his own but he still would recommend treating it (I am assuming with Flagyl). I told him that I don't see Louie taking a by mouth med during this period we are doing the baytril injections. Would you all think it okay to do these two medication treatments :(back to back? Have any of you given your tort probiotics?

I am sorry for the very long post. Seems my worst worries are coming true here...losing sleep worrying about this little sweetie. Any advice or reassurance you all could offer would be very welcomed!


Torty Mom

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Oct 16, 2010
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Katie, I am sorry to hear Louie is sick. Expert advice I am sure will be coming your way soon. I hope your little sweetie gets better soon!!


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Jul 27, 2010
I had a RF come down with this, medication and increased temps/soaks should result in your tort getting healthy again.

I would approach petsmart a out helping your vet bills, as the infection onbviously came from them.

20% seems like a damning #. id bet its higher than that


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Dec 13, 2010
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Olympia, WA
Thanks, guys for your well wishes and hopeful message. I may write a letter to the manager at the pet store, but don't expect that they will be helping out with vet bills. Their policy is that you return the sick animal for a refund...then they will take it to the vet and if it can be rehabilitated, you will be given first option to purchase it back. I just couldn't see letting little Louie out of my care. Also cannot see what the pet store's incentive would be to spend much money and time rehabilitating sick animals. I am sure the vet bill would be far more than they paid for him to begin with. Maybe they would for good customer relations. Still, I want to let them know how disappointing it is that they would introduce and obviously sick tort into the same environment with an apparently healthy one. :-(


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5 Year Member
Dec 21, 2010
I had a similar problem with Petsmart, my tortoise wasn't that sick, but sick enough that I was rightfully upset with the store. I posted something on the Petsmart facebook wall about how their animals are supposed to be "vet checked", and how I didn't want to return my tortoise to the store, because she obviously wasn't being taken care of there. In the end, because Petsmart's public relations department runs the facebook, the store was contacted about the issue and my vet bill was paid in full... So it's worth a shot, there are definitely ways around their pet contract.


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Dec 13, 2010
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Olympia, WA
Thanks for sharing your experience. I will share my concerns with the store...


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URTD- the 20% is for tortoises that recover completely- as in stop carrying any of the bacteria, not for how many survive. I need to reword that. It is a nasty disease that does sadly kill some, but most get better- even if they continue to carry the germs.

Flagelletes- I don't have a ton of experience with this, so check with your vet, but I would think that we would focus on getting him better from the more serious disease and get his immune system up nice and strong with good nursing care, etc. before we would introduce the toxins used to fight intestinal parasites.

Yvonne G

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Flagyl, the de-wormer used for "flagellates," is an antibiotic. That might be why the vet wants to wait until you're finished with the current round of Baytril. One antibiotic at a time.


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5 Year Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Olympia, WA
Thanks all for your replies and well wishes! Louie seems to be on the mend to me. He has been eating the last couple days. I actually have been floating some food in the water with him while he is soaking and he has been eating it (perhaps out of boredom!) I hate giving him the shots...he squinches up his eyes and I can just tell it is really painful :-(. But hopefully it is all for the best and we will have a happy healthy little tortoise soon.

By the way...the vet said Louie is probably a female ;-). Not sure I will adjust to calling he a she.
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