
  1. Kendall

    How much cuttlebone?

    Hey y'all, I adopted a 8 year old Sulcata recently. He's about 30 pounds and he's been eating cuttlebone like crazy, one every two days or so if it's available. I've read that tortoises generally can self regulate on this, but I wanted to confirm that I don't have to worry about him eating too...
  2. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Gritty urates or cuttle bone being passed? Or what?

    Today while cleaning the enclousure of my Russian tortoise, I found this. I wonder whether it is just cuttle bone being passed, or whether it is something serious. It kinda looks like chewed up bubble gum. My tortoise has also had some weight loss. He used to weigh around 490 to 500 grams. I...
  3. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Cuttle bone being devoured

    I am concerned about Edward eating non-edible things... On 13th of May I started taking Edward out a few hours per day to soak up some sun. That same week I noticed that he had started to eat substrate, specifically when outdoors. As per @Tom 's advice I stopped giving him additional calcium, in...
  4. Spying on Carbo

    Spying on Carbo

  5. E

    What exactly to feed Russian tortoise- supplements and needed nuitrition?

    Getting my Russian tortoise tomorrow!! So sorry I’m asking so many questions but I don’t want to hurt him or anything. I made a mix of Russian tortoise approved green veggies to offer him daily plus a feed in moderation food to encourage him a little in his new home over the coming weeks. I’m...