juvenile tortoise

  1. CashewtheTortoise

    Urination Concern

    Totally forgot how to post on this forum, sorry for making 2 posts. Here is my conversation I started about a concern I have about my tortoise's urination behavior. https://tortoiseforum.org/conversations/concerning-peeing-behavior.161332/#convMessage-289652
  2. pickledsulcata

    Does her shell look dented on the sides?

    I noticed this while I was giving my 3 yr old sulcata a bath. Towards the bottom of her shell, does it look a bit dented, or is this normal? Kinda looks like how humans have a waistline. She's on a diet of primarily romaine, grass, carrots, and dandelions, with a soak once a week.
  3. Lexnau

    Help! Sulcata Tortoise lower beak

    Help! My little guy has done something to his lower beak. (PICTURE ATTACHED) , I don't know how or what is going on with it. Any help please, his vet is not open till Monday and I'm worrying like crazy if he will be okay till then .
  4. J

    New Member - 7 month old Sulcata

    Hi! I am new here and I have a 7 month old Sulcata. I got him/her last September (2021) at Reptile Expo Anaheim. I just want to know what a tortoise that age should weigh and look like. He/She really loves to eat Mazuri pellets and a bit of lettuce, kale, and clover sprouts. Weighs 233 grams and...