russian tortoise

  1. L

    Emergency Lighting

    Hi, So, I have a bit of any emergency, the light for my russian tortoise went out, but because he's new and I got him from a friend, I have no idea what bulb she was using. About 2 days ago the light went out and hasn't turned back on. I'm managing to keep my torotise warm by letting him walk...
  2. T

    My Russian tortoise was attacked by a dog

    My husband's sweet baby shell boy roughly 12-13yrs Russian tortoise was attacked this morning saturday July 20th, 2024. My mom's dog busted through the gate and did quite a bit of damage and almost killed the poor guy. We are unable to get into the vet for him to be seen until monday 😢😢💔 Is...
  3. J

    Russian tortoise burrowing all day during the day, runny nose, moving slower than usual. please help

    I am a new tortoise owner taking care of my boyfriend’s russian tortoise while he is away. I have never cared for a reptile before and much of the information I have, I got online or from my boyfriend/his mom. I am not sure how old he is but I know my boyfriend has had him for 17 years. This...
  4. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    The norm of tortoise keeping in Finland

    The article written by Kira Gronow ( 8.7.2024) tells about a Russian tortoise named Justiina and her owner Pekka Virtanen. It was published in the lifestyle section of a major news paper here in Finland. I wanted to reference it here, because it tells really well about the norm of tortoise...
  5. J

    Russian tortoise hamster wheel?

    Recently, I saw a post about a tortoise enjoying a hamster wheel that it could walk on. I was wondering if it is actually safe for my tortoise if I got one, and if there are any recommendations for wheels or any warnings about this? I don’t see much information on this. I have a Russian tortoise.
  6. R

    Russian tortoise needs new home in Oregon ASAP!

    We have one male Russian tortoise who is FREE to a new home in Oregon (near Portland). He is over 10 years old, and needs a home where he will be loved and cared for! Background: An acquaintance of ours had 2 Russian tortoises who needed a new home due to the older couple struggling to care...
  7. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Cuttle bone being devoured

    I am concerned about Edward eating non-edible things... On 13th of May I started taking Edward out a few hours per day to soak up some sun. That same week I noticed that he had started to eat substrate, specifically when outdoors. As per @Tom 's advice I stopped giving him additional calcium, in...
  8. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Tortoise started to eat substrate

    Since Monday this week I have been able to take Edward outside a few hours a day to soak up some natural sun. Since his semi-temporary outdoor enclosure is not ready yet, I have been keeping him in a cold frame that is staked on to our lawn. The temps in the cold frame have been ranging from 20C...
  9. biochemnerd808

    2023 CB Russian tortoise

    I have one CB2 July 2023 Russian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii) youngster left. She was scheduled to ship this month, but the buyer backed out due to a family emergency. Healthy, great little eater. Eggs were incubated at 89-90°F, so should be a female. Been raised on weeds and garden greens...
  10. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Are these plants safe as shelter plants?

    Are these plants safe to put in my Russian tortoises enclosure, not as food but more for shelter purposes? Iwasn't able to find clear cut answer on their suitability. Meadowsweets/steeplebushes (Spiraea densiflora) Some sources state this plant contains tannins, methyl salicylate, and...
  11. K

    Pyramiding and beak trimming

    Hello, is my russian tortoise pyramiding? He is 1.5 years old, average humidity is 35-40%, feed him daily with a small amount of food. Second question, is it time to trim his beak?
  12. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Enough soaking for a adult Russian?

    I have been soaking my adult Russian tortoise roughly once a week since I got him in February. Prior to getting him I saw some conflicting info on whether you even need to soak adult tortoises if they have a water dish. Some say that soaking is harmful, because it forces the tortoise to empty...
  13. C

    Redness behind ear???

    Hi guys! I have a russian tort who is currently being treated for an RI, having antibiotics anti inflammatories and nebs, he’s dehydrated and underweight too! We started treatment on thursday and i noticed this redness behind his ear, i mentioned this to the exotics vet who said it could be...
  14. christy0426

    Does this look like irritation/infection?

    Morris is a ten year old Russian tortoise, and recently he has been having recurring redness around his left ear. It does not feel hot and he doesn't seem tender to the touch, but it is consistently only on the one side, and I want to make sure it isn't worth a visit to the vet. It started...
  15. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Conflicting advice on vitamin D and calcium supplementation

    I am worried whether my tortoise is going to get enough vitamin D here in Finland, so I did some research. Unfortunately the advice I found was conflicting, and as a new keeper I don’t know what advice is good and which sources to trust. So, I decided to turn to you with my questions and the...
  16. eliseandboris

    Russian Tortoise Friends

    Hi Everyone! I was told I should introduce myself and Boris:) He’s come a long way since I started helping him. Please don’t judge as I’m step by step providing him with what he needs. He’s in an office situation, and hasn’t had an ideal set up. I’m currently working on building a “table” out...
  17. Daddy_alpaca


    Heloo, just to be quick i have a russian tortoise who is about 4 or 5 years old and the enclosure i have for him is way too small, its about 4 x 3 feet, and i really want to upgrade him to a bigger enclosure. Ive heard people say that the ideal size is about 4x8, i dont mind the size however...
  18. biochemnerd808

    Well started Russian tortoise babies

    I have several well-started CB2 (2nd gen captive bred!) 2023 Russian tortoise babies available. I have raised these horsfields tortoises to 100g+ to ensure they are thriving. They are ready to ship, temperatures permitting. Fed a varied diet of weeds and garden-grown tortoise-safe greens...
  19. Jeffweystan

    Do I need to take my tortoise to the vet?

    I have had this Russian tortoise for 5 months now. He has had these marks since I got him, but now I noticed one area had a small piece peeling, or coming up a little bit. I took Jeffwey to the vet when I first got him and they didn’t say anything about it. But I’m not sure if it is normal or...
  20. D

    Indoor Russian tortoise enclosure help

    Hi guys, I’m picking up a Russian tortoise as soon as I’ve finished building the enclosure. He’s a rescue and approximately 6-9 years old. I’ve read a fair bit but was hoping for some ideas. I’m thinking of putting his basking spot up in the top right corner. He has an open hide under the log to...