texas tortoise

  1. Turtwig the tortoise

    How to make my tortoise to drink more water?

    Hi! I am a proud owner of a Texas tortoise (female, around 3 years of age) I know that their species doesn't need a lot of water, but I'd like to encourage her to drink more. She only drinks very small amounts, maybe twice a week. Do any of you have any tips?
  2. Maro2Bear

    The Texas Tortoise - Gopherus berlandieri

    A nice article on the Texas Tortoise thanks to the Orianne Society https://www.oriannesociety.org/faces-of-the-forest/the-texas-tortoise/
  3. N

    Re-homing 3 year old Sulcata in Texas

    I am in urgent need of re-homing my 3 year old sulcata tortoise, Tuni, in the Texas area. I just joined the forum but I've been a long time lurker since I got Tuni back in September 2020. I've had Tuni since he was a hatchling (3-4 months old) and I am reluctant to let him go, but due to...
  4. Tina the desert tort

    Texas tortoise

    Hi everyone I have a Sonoran desert tortoise and I have fallen in love with the Gopherus genus! I am wondering today about Texas tortoises! What are they like? Are they a desert species? I live in Cali can I adopt one potentially? Can they live with desert tortoises? And any other info you may...
  5. T

    Texas Tortoise hatchling Enclosure

    Hi! Today we found a hatchling in the garden, almost the size of a bottle cap, it is a Texan Tortoise. I have some questions of how and where should I keep it, since I have some options. I have this plastic box which is 8in x13.5in and tall enough, I can seal it with a lid to keep it humid, but...
  6. K

    Newcomer from So Cal!

    Hello all! I recently joined this forum the other day, and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kelsey and I live in Southern California. I’m the proud owner of a 20 year old Texas Box Tortoise (I think that’s what she is, a vet suggested it), but recently rescued a tiny adorable baby...
  7. NataliaTG

    Hello! Long time no see and a very unfortunate event.

    Hello everybody! It's been a looong while since I last wrote in this forum. I used to have another account, but I forgot which e-mail I used for that one so I made a new one with my current e.mail. Anyways. My name is Nat! nice to meet you :) I have two texas tortoises, Benjamín and Frankie...