
  1. tortilla-the-tortoise

    a few questions about my new Russian

    Hey! I'm a certified forum lurker, but finally decided to actually ask the questions I need answers to myself! I've never cared for a tortoise (or any reptile, for that matter) before about 3 weeks ago, when I took over the care of my Oxford College's tortoise. Don't ask-- it's a university...
  2. Redeared_Kingking

    HELP! Turtle head twitching!!! :(

    Hello everyone, this is my first time seeking help from forum. My red eared turtle has been found her head twitching these days, with the paws scratching her eyes. She has normal and clear eyes, stable and unchanged eating diet norm. What can I do to help?? Tysm!!!!
  3. Kdiggs01

    *HELP* Not sure what's going on!

    Hey there. I recently got a Russian Tortoise from a co worker whose kids weren't paying her any attention anymore. My husband and I think the world of her. But today while giving her a soak I touched the bottom part of her shell and she appeared to "twitch".Her head and right leg moved in...