étang, troisième partie

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I'm one of the luckiest people alive. I have some really, really great friends.

Several years ago my tortoise partner, William, and my across-the-street-neighbor, Dana (with Doslyn) dug out my pond. It was just a big mud hole and over the years had accumulated a bunch of turtle poop, dead leaves, and sludge.

Then the road widening came along and the City had to drain the pond in order to have space for their heavy equipment to drive onto my property because they were building a retaining wall across the front.

And because of the liner, and the water surface being smooth (no waves or action) and too much sun and nutrients, and an inefficient filter, it became infested with mosquito larva and algae. Enter Dana and his family (@EppsDynasty and @JoJosMom, Doslyn, Dalton) They drove all the way up from SoCal and Dana built a new filter for the pond! It was 100F here today, but he got the job done. I'll add more pictures as the water clears up:

etang, troisieme partie.jpg

As you can see, the surface of the water now has a bit of action going on, and there is a definite current swirling around.

OMG! Thank you SO much, Dana and Amanda. It was so good to see you and the kids, and I SO MUCH appreciate all the hard work you did for me.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
WOW...Didn't expect to wake up this morning and start tearing up before any coffee. Yesterday was truly a special day not just for me but our entire family. To spend the day with someone you Love and be able to do something that means so much to them was in every way our Honor and privilege. EVERY member in our family would do this everyday if that's what needed to be done for you. You are not just a friend but hold a special place in each of our hearts. This may be unfamiliar to you but we care how you are, what you are doing and what you are thinking. You were the focus of most of what we discussed for the car ride home. You gave our children something money cannot buy ... as a small child you make memories that you really do not remember all the details of, memories that sometimes don't make sense due to that. Yesterday our children were able to clear up all those details that their young minds didn't remember. They were able to be in a setting where Love and respect abounded and put those memory puzzle pieces together. It will forever change them ... they now have a memory complete with all the details they didn't remember. To hear your child reliving their childhood memories and being filled with happiness and love is and was something very special. Ya just can't buy that! To look into your child's face and see PURE joy and happiness as they relive those memories and put together those pieces of their live was something I really can't put into words ... I'm trying trust me!
It made us all feel good to be able to do something for you, you have given the Epps family so much and continue to do so. Sorry for rambling on about the love the Epps family has for you but I hope you know we will do anything for YOU, and that the distance between us is no obstacle at all.

In 2010 when we tried and I repeat tried to build a filter for your pond we didn't even know how to put a pipe into a container without it leaking. Fast forward to yesterday .... Now it's "You need a filter, no problem we can drive up there and build 1 in a day" without any hesitation, intimidation or feelings of "How in the heck do we do that?" Now all we are waiting for is bacteria to start doing its thing and you will have the clean and clear pond you have been waiting over 10 years for. I might add your Turtles have been waiting for this as well, they are about to be the Happiest Turtles around.


Active Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 27, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake, CA
I'm one of the luckiest people alive. I have some really, really great friends.

Several years ago my tortoise partner, William, and my across-the-street-neighbor, Dana (with Doslyn) dug out my pond. It was just a big mud hole and over the years had accumulated a bunch of turtle poop, dead leaves, and sludge.

Then the road widening came along and the City had to drain the pond in order to have space for their heavy equipment to drive onto my property because they were building a retaining wall across the front.

And because of the liner, and the water surface being smooth (no waves or action) and too much sun and nutrients, and an inefficient filter, it became infested with mosquito larva and algae. Enter Dana and his family (@EppsDynasty and @JoJosMom, Doslyn, Dalton) They drove all the way up from SoCal and Dana built a new filter for the pond! It was 100F here today, but he got the job done. I'll add more pictures as the water clears up:

View attachment 371387

As you can see, the surface of the water now has a bit of action going on, and there is a definite current swirling around.

OMG! Thank you SO much, Dana and Amanda. It was so good to see you and the kids, and I SO MUCH appreciate all the hard work you did for me.
Yvonne, we can not express enough the impact you made on our lives the moment we met you years ago. For our family, you light up our world. The moment I saw your beautiful face smile as we got out of the car yesterday, just reminded me that our world is a better place with someone like you in it. You are hands down the most humble and kind person we have ever had the pleasure to be friends with. You have taught each and every one of us so much over the years and are truly the reason for our love and compassion for torts and turtles. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. WE were meant to be in each other's lives. You were meant to be part of our family.

Dana, bless his heart, thought carefully on how to make that filter specifically for your pond and needs. If was with great pleasure that you can finally enjoy the clear beautiful pond you have so longed to have. For Dana to of been able to do that for YOU, means beyond any words can say. THANK YOU Yvonne for opening your arms to our family and allowing us to be a part in your project. We are forever grateful for our bond with you and look forward to much needed time together in the future. It is as if your softshell came out to say "Thank you". :)

Thank you for a wonderful day together Yvonne, until we see you again!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
There's a lot of Bermuda grass outside the pond, so I have to dig that all out before I can even think about planting or landscaping. And the ground is HARD AS ROCK, so I need to set a sprinkler. Problem is, I'm 85 years old, have very little energy and run out of steam after only an hour or so. (but if I'm honest, it's really because I'm addicted to jig saw puzzles, 'find the hidden objects' puzzles and reading!)


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
There's a lot of Bermuda grass outside the pond, so I have to dig that all out before I can even think about planting or landscaping. And the ground is HARD AS ROCK, so I need to set a sprinkler. Problem is, I'm 85 years old, have very little energy and run out of steam after only an hour or so. (but if I'm honest, it's really because I'm addicted to jig saw puzzles, 'find the hidden objects' puzzles and reading!)
We will be there in just a few weeks to take succulent cuttings and do some landscaping around the pond. And of course ANY thing else you may want or need. Man what a special day it was.
Yvonne, we can not express enough the impact you made on our lives the moment we met you years ago. For our family, you light up our world. The moment I saw your beautiful face smile as we got out of the car yesterday, just reminded me that our world is a better place with someone like you in it. You are hands down the most humble and kind person we have ever had the pleasure to be friends with. You have taught each and every one of us so much over the years and are truly the reason for our love and compassion for torts and turtles. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. WE were meant to be in each other's lives. You were meant to be part of our family.

Dana, bless his heart, thought carefully on how to make that filter specifically for your pond and needs. If was with great pleasure that you can finally enjoy the clear beautiful pond you have so longed to have. For Dana to of been able to do that for YOU, means beyond any words can say. THANK YOU Yvonne for opening your arms to our family and allowing us to be a part in your project. We are forever grateful for our bond with you and look forward to much needed time together in the future. It is as if your softshell came out to say "Thank you". :)

Thank you for a wonderful day together Yvonne, until we see you again!
PERFECTLY said. As you all can see she is the far better communicator of the relationship. That's what I was trying to say, thanks honey.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Well, it's taking a while, but the pond is actually starting to clear up. It used to be thick, green water. Now it's still fairly green, but not thick anymore. And there are spots where I can actually see through the water to the bottom of the pond.

I ordered some Gazania and black sunflower seeds, and several elephant ear bulbs. Now I just need to get my act in gear and get rid of the Bermuda so I can start landscaping.

No pictures yet. Still looks pretty much as it does in the above picture.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
I really can not find the words to express how much it means for us to be able to DO something for YOU. We do not just care about you but your Turtles too, we want them to be as happy and healthy as possible. We also want you to be as happy and healthy as possible .... What a coincidence.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
I've been wanting to see something like this happen for Yvonne for a long time. What a wonderful educational experience it would be to spend a day helping her get her animals taken care of. My prayers are getting answers 🙏 🤗😊