3 toe BT will be okay on FL weather

Box turtle

New Member
Apr 21, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Hi everyone ,

It’s time for the family to move again.

I have had two 3 toe box turtles for over 15 years.

I initially had them in Hawaii where they were in an outside enclosure .
We moved to Minnesota and they stayed in an inside enclosure due to the radical weather.

Now we are moving to Florida, Daytona beach area and I was wondering if I could keep them in an outside enclosure ?
It would be in a covered patio away from direct sunlight and the chance of getting cooked. However it’s pretty hot here if temps in the mid 90s somedays and I was wondering if that would be okay for them?
Also, would I need to bring them inside in the winter time ?

Thanks again everyone


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Tortoise Club
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Jun 10, 2016
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Welcome to the forum. Maybe have an indoor and outdoor enclosure available. If it's to hot or raining too much they can go inside. My opinion. Can you post a picture of your turtle? I would like to see them. What are their names?

Chubbs the tegu

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5 Year Member
May 9, 2019
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They should do great in ur climate providing they have plenty of shade. If you have the yard to do it I would make them a nice secure well planted pen rather than on the patio. Good luck! Would love to see some pics!
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Box turtle

New Member
Apr 21, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Thank you guys for the recommendations. Their names are Claudia and Adrianna. I set them up in the patio enclosure and they seem very happy as they get fresh air and partial sun. Outside is VERY hot and not a lot places with shaded areas, as well their are a lot critters that may harm them. I think they really enjoy the warm/humid air. I did put a fan around their enclosure during the day help move the air.