Advice on pryamiding please

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5 Year Member
Jun 20, 2012

This is a picture of my nearly three year old spur thighed tortoise. I am wondering whether people think it shows pyramiding. If it is can I have some advice on how to prevent it getting worse while it’s still young.
Many Thanks


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That shell could be better. How long is she? At 3 years old she isn't fully grown, so while the current lumps won't go away they will 'blend in' better if she grows smoothly from now on.

With pyrammidding there are three important factors: heat, hydration and Humidity... plus diet and UVB

So would you answer some questions please?

Is your tort kept indoors or out?

What temperatures do you have? There are 4 important ones: Under the basking lamp, warm end, cool end and the overnight minimum

What's the humidity level?

Do you soak your tort? If so, how often?

Does your tort have free access to a water dish she can climb into?

What do you feed your tort and do you use any supplements?

What do you use for UVB and if it's a lamp indoors when did you last change the bulb?


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5 Year Member
Jun 20, 2012
Firstly thanks for your help The information as requested
It is 13cm long
Is your tort kept indoors or out?
It is kept outdoors in a special constructed cage thing with an outside run

What temperatures do you have? There are 4 important ones: Under the basking lamp, warm end, cool end and the overnight minimum

under the basking lamp it is about 85/90oF warm end 80/75 the cool end is about 60 and the overnight temp i don't know

What's the humidity level?
I don't know the humidity level.

Do you soak your tort? If so, how often?

They get soaked most days

Does your tort have free access to a water dish she can climb into?
yeah but the end of the cage that leads to the outside to

What do you feed your tort and do you use any supplements?

mainly spring greens, dandelions and clover rocket and kale and it has nutrobol supplement.

What do you use for UVB and if it's a lamp indoors when did you last change the bulb?
I have a reptiglo uv bulb that as manufacters reccomendations needs changing next month had it for about a year

also the other tortoise I have although only a couple of months younger is a bit smaller (though it always has been) and doesn't have any pyrmadinig

Once again thanks for your help.

Yvonne G

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Hi EEllis23:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

What would you like us to call you?

...and may we know appx. where in the world you are?


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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Hi Emily

I'm in the UK too and just turning in for the night.

I'll come back to this in the morning, but you do need to increase the temperature under your basking lamp. It should be 95-100F

You can get a temperature gun from Amazon for around £20 to measure accurately.

Have a good night... I'm sure some of our overseas friends will offer more advice before I wake :)


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Oct 26, 2011
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I've re-read your earlier answer and have realised that you said your tort is outdoors... does it have free access outside? If so, you don't need to worry about UVB as it will get plenty from the sun (even on cloudy days)

The problem with the UK is getting the basking temperature outside if we have a summer like the one we're having this year. Joe hates being cooped up, but I am at the moment bringing him in to charge his batteries under the basking lamp (35C) before sticking him back in the garden.

He has a cold frame in the sunniest spot early morning which is great for basking, but on days like today... there is no sun! I hope to have an outdoor shelter sorted in the next couple of weeks with a basking lamp so I don't have to keep bringing him in.

I'm hoping that bumping this thread will bring someone else in as I have no experience of your species of tort.... the questions asked are always the same, but the "What to do" varies a little and I don't want to give wrong advice.

I'll keep an eye on this and nudge a couple of people, If there' no other response later in the day.


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5 Year Member
Jun 20, 2012
Funny you should mention the basking light my bulb went a couple of days a go, I replaced it with a bulb I had lying around the house until I could get to the reptile shop and this bulb has been getting up to 100oF they also have a ceramic heat lamp to keep the enclosure warm in general, I was going to replace it but now I won't. The UV light is because not much light gets in the hutch/cage and they don't go out much. They have free access to a patch of grass in the garden. but unless it's a hot day they don't choose to go outside. They eat and then spend the rest of the day hardly doing anything. Also how will I tell if the prymading has stopped?
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