Am I doing everything ok?!


Feb 2, 2016
hi everyone! I'm new here and a new horsfield tortoise mummy. I'd just like some advice that I'm doing everything ok for my little guy!
So blastoise (my tortoise) is about a year old, I know vivs are not good for tortoises but I am waiting on a tortoise table to be delivered for him. His viv is 3ft so rather a lot bigger than he is, he has a hide and water and food bowl. He has a very good appetite and I'm currently feeding him mixtures of watercress, rocket, chicory, romaine lettuce, is this ok? Also I haven't ever seen him in his water bowl but I bathe him everyday for about 15-20mins even though he doesn't really like it! He has a uv bulb and a heat/light bulb and the temps read at about 28-35 at the hot end and 21-24 at the cool end, is this ok? Also I have a thermostat for the bulb but it's an on/off one so it is constantly on and off all day and my lil man doesn't seem bothered by it, I put calcium dust on his food every other day, when I got him and picked him up he used to hide in his shell but now he doesn't seem to do it as much,
Is this him getting used to me? I just really hope I'm doing all I can for him, also he doesn't seem to wake up for a while in the mornings so I wake him up and put him under his light, then he will sit there for a while then eat then sleep for a bit, when's he's up his very lively, is it normal for him to sleep during the day and burrow himself in his substrate? Also for his substrate I've used some soil mixed with sand and some pellets on top of that, he just looks so sad I know tortoises don't have expressions but I want him to be the happiest he can be! Is it bette to use a dimming thermostat rather than a on/off one? Thanks guys x


Jan 17, 2016
Keep water dish there even if u don't see him use it and yes bathe him everyday is fine, but I would suggest every other day. Your temperature sounds great. Don't use supplement everyday as it will cause calcium overdose, do it like 3 times a week or twice is fine. Waking him up is fine as well. But most of time they will wake themselves up to hunt for food. I usually wake up mine, but on weekends when I sleep a little late, he is usually up before I am, hunting for food. Please change your substrates, and avoid using sand and pellets. Last but not least, welcome to the forum.


Feb 2, 2016
Keep water dish there even if u don't see him use it and yes bathe him everyday is fine, but I would suggest every other day. Your temperature sounds great. Don't use supplement everyday as it will cause calcium overdose, do it like 3 times a week or twice is fine. Waking him up is fine as well. But most of time they will wake themselves up to hunt for food. I usually wake up mine, but on weekends when I sleep a little late, he is usually up before I am, hunting for food. Please change your substrates, and avoid using sand and pellets. Last but not least, welcome to the forum.
Hi ileoyu, thank u for ur advice, what substrat would u say I should use? As I know they love to dig so I thought mine were suitable for that, and yeah I do keep water in for him anyway just in case, he seems to enjoy his baths for about 5 mins then wants to get out lol, also is his diet that I'm feeding him ok? Thanks x


Jan 17, 2016
Many Russian tort owners recommend coco coir as substrate for babies as it holds humidity well. But I tried doing so , I hated it. The substrates would get everywhere, their food, water, and eyes. I, for one would not recommend it. I'm using orchid bark, also known as reptil bark. If you have the option, try to look around your local garden for cheap orchid barks. However, if you're someone like me, who can't find it anywhere, just go to local petstores and buy the expensive reptil bark.


Feb 2, 2016
Many Russian tort owners recommend coco coir as substrate for babies as it holds humidity well. But I tried doing so , I hated it. The substrates would get everywhere, their food, water, and eyes. I, for one would not recommend it. I'm using orchid bark, also known as reptil bark. If you have the option, try to look around your local garden for cheap orchid barks. However, if you're someone like me, who can't find it anywhere, just go to local petstores and buy the expensive reptil bark.
Ok I'll have a look and try that, I was originally going to buy some I saw but what put me off was that in the bag it came in, it looked rather wet and damp so I didn't bother, did u find that? X


Feb 2, 2016
Many Russian tort owners recommend coco coir as substrate for babies as it holds humidity well. But I tried doing so , I hated it. The substrates would get everywhere, their food, water, and eyes. I, for one would not recommend it. I'm using orchid bark, also known as reptil bark. If you have the option, try to look around your local garden for cheap orchid barks. However, if you're someone like me, who can't find it anywhere, just go to local petstores and buy the expensive reptil bark.
I just looked online and found some that slowly release moisture into the air when heated, do you think that will be ok? X


Jan 17, 2016
It didn't look wet to me at all, but you're going to have to wet it and damp it yourself anyway for humidity purpose. I suggest keeping your humidity above 45 to avoid any pyramiding.


Jan 17, 2016
For diet, You could give him endives, escarole, spring mix ( no spinach), dandelion greens, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, turnip greens, romaine lettuce, zoomed's natural grassland food, mazuri, the list goes on and on. It's pretty tricky to get them eat the grassland food, I mix it with the usual greens that he eats and he'll eat it without stopping. However, if I give it to him plain, he won't even touch it.


Feb 2, 2016
For diet, You could give him endives, escarole, spring mix ( no spinach), dandelion greens, mustard greens, collard greens, kale, turnip greens, romaine lettuce, zoomed's natural grassland food, mazuri, the list goes on and on. It's pretty tricky to get them eat the grassland food, I mix it with the usual greens that he eats and he'll eat it without stopping. However, if I give it to him plain, he won't even touch it.
To be honest I didn't even know about the humidity! How can I keep it at a reasonable level? Do I spray warm water in his Viv to settle it? And ok thank u I will look into more variety for his diet x


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Jan 17, 2016
To be honest I didn't even know about the humidity! How can I keep it at a reasonable level? Do I spray warm water in his Viv to settle it? And ok thank u I will look into more variety for his diet x
Yes, spray it with water usually does the trick. I cover my enclosure with a piece of cardboard and it works well. Since you have him indoor, I m assuming you're using heater and air conditioner, those could really bring down the humidity, so, if you are using them, make sure you check the humidity level and spray when needed.

Gillian M

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A very warm welcome to the forum! :tort:

Please post pictures of your tort as well as his enclosure, asap. This will enable us to help you more. As far s humidity is concerned, please take care: dry climate can cause pyramiding.:( I spray Oli's enclosure with water daily, and give him a soak in warm water every day. (I live in Jordan where the climate is EXTREMELY DRY).


Feb 2, 2016
Ok I'll spray with water, I don't know what the humidity is in his enclosure though, what happens if I get him wet when I spray? Does it matter? Should I take him out when I do it? I will post pictures later on as at work at the moment, he is in a Viv but I'm waiting for his table to arrive, I bathe him daily and when I'm home I leave his cool side of the Viv door open to try and allow air to get in to him obviously making sure it doesn't get too cold for him xx


Feb 2, 2016
Is there something I can buy to check humidity? Sorry for all questions I just want to have him happy and healthy! I love him soooo much, I think he's getting used to me now I only got him 5 days ago and when I hold him he keeps his head out of his shell :) x


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I keep my Russians in an open top table that I built for them I keep the humidity around 40% to 50% helps that our house stays humid due to all the fish tanks we have. I use coco coir as my substrate I keep it damp but not to wet cause it sticks to everything but if u keep the top dry it doesn't stick as bad that's my experience with it


Feb 2, 2016
This is him and his set up x


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Feb 2, 2016
I've just ordered a humidifier from Amazon so when it comes what should the humidity be roughly? And when I spray in his enclosure should I take him out so I don't get him wet? Also if I do take him out how long should I leave it before I put him back in? Thanks x


Jan 17, 2016
There are humidity readers that you could get from most pet stores. Keep it above 45 under 70. You're gonna need to dry him with a towel after you bathe him, they can actually get a cold. When spaying, it's best to keep him dry. Right after you spray it, you could put it back. Have you removed the pellets and sand yet? They have to go asap. Try cypress mulch, coco coir ( I hate them), or pea moss for substrate. These hold humidity very well.

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