An Asian Forest Tortoise Walks into a Bar and Orders a Sandwich ….


Active Member
Dec 7, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Robbinsville NJ
He eats the sandwich, pulls out a water gun, and squirts the bartender in the face.

As the tortoise gets up to leave the bar, the bartender yells, “hey, where do you think you’re going?? You just squirted me and didn’t pay for your sandwich. WTF???”

The tortoise yells back at the bartender, “hey man, I’m a Burmese Brown Mountain Tortoise. Look it up!!!”

The bartender then goes onto the TFO website and sees the following definition for the Mountain Tortoise: “A species of tortoise in the family Testidinudae. Believed to be one of the most primitive of living tortoises. Found in Southeast Asia. Eats shoots and leaves.”
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