An update on Darwin

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New Member
5 Year Member
Jan 31, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Northern Michigan
Hi Everyone
I'm new to the site, I live in Northern Michigan and was hoping someone could help me with my Russian Tortiose. I started fostering him in September, he came to me covered in mites, full of internal parasites, with bi-lateral eye infections,dehydrated and malnurished. After treating the life threating stuff, I had to start tube feeding him. I have been doing that until about three weeks ago. His tube feedings where critical care made with what my vet began calling lettuce smoothies (water, and a mix of the green he was suppose to be eating and a calcium supplement). I also offered food everyday. Well he began eating on his own about three weeks ago, my vet advised me to quit tube feeding him and see how he does, he has gained enough weight (215 grams at his first appointment, up to 351 grams at his last appointment) he isn't as worried about him missing calories for a few days if it incourages his drive to eat. My problem is he is very picky about his greens and being very subborn about eating what he is suppose to. I have tried the usual favorite, dandelion, raddichio, kale, mustard greens, endive, escarole and even prickly pear fruit. Any suggestions would be appreciated. If he starts loseing weight I am going to have to start tube feeding again, and its stressful on us both.

Okay after a few horrible weeks on me, Darwin has eaten five days in a row! He isn't eating a lot but he is waiting for me to feed every morning now. It amazing to see him eat!!!

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I just love a success story.

Have you tried Spring Mix? Also, if you go to Smart and Final, they carry a bagged lettuce called Santa Barbara Mix. This is a great time of year for finding weeds that Russians like. Look for fillaree, plantain, clover, etc. the broad-leaf weeds.


New Member
5 Year Member
Jan 31, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Northern Michigan
Thank you for all your support! Yep, I am using spring mix the other things I have had success with is arugala, endive, and cactus pads. The local organic co-op has a really nice variety and I have been able try a lot with him. I will keep my eyes open for the other weeds you suggested.
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