Any Ideas To Improve Enclosure?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Nov 18, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Ocala, Fl
Hey everyone, so it's winter right now and my russians are indoors because of the cold, and while their 8x16 pen is not in use I need some new ideas for their pen.

-This pen goes two rocks deep below ground, digging out is is prevented

-I have taken off the top layer of rocks as well as the chicken wire screen top since the tortoises aren't using the pen now and their is no need for protection against animals.

-There is a little chamber in the top left that stays dry and they go into that when it rains hard. There are also three other burrows I made for them that they used all summer that go max two feet out.

This pen is basically a blank slate for ideas, tell me anything I can make safer, plant species that your tortoises love and work good for the pens, any tips, any questions, and especially any decor/ decorations/ plants/ small bushes I can add because I feel this pen is pretty boring and really want to make it better looking and more fun for my tortoises to explore.

Thank you!!! :)

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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Nov 18, 2018
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Ocala, Fl
Also feel free to send pics of your enclosures here so I can get some ideas! I love seeing other enclosures!

Yvonne G

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It's nice, but being such good climbers, Russian tortoises will use all those nooks and crannies as ladders and may climb out and escape. If you can figure out a way to have a top layer all around that is inset, making a lip they can't get around, that would be one way to fix it.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 18, 2018
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Ocala, Fl
It's nice, but being such good climbers, Russian tortoises will use all those nooks and crannies as ladders and may climb out and escape. If you can figure out a way to have a top layer all around that is inset, making a lip they can't get around, that would be one way to fix it.
@Yvonne G Oh for sure, I learned my lesson years ago with a box turtle. :( We also have hawks, raccoons, every critter around here so I have to worry about those as well as escape. Thankfully, I do have a screen top thing that I use when the russians are outside. Here is what it looks like. They are several pieces of chicken wire tied together with slip knots.


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I agree with Yvonne. Russians are very active and probably the very best climbing tortoises.
I'd place another layer of slate on top of the entire wall that hangs over the inside edge. Creating a ledge that will stop any escapes.
Maybe cement it all in place with some mortar?


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As a russian owner I echo the others comments. You have to think more monkey than tortoise! I would just mix some mortar and just parge/paint the whole interior wall so its smooth and add a serious over hang on the top. Check out mine. I went with hardware clothe under and 2" up the sides then a full 4" overhang everywhere. Also add lots of plantain weeds to feed the little monster. They are grumpy but I love my Russian


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Canadian Mojo

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Jun 23, 2019
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Based on what my son's RF seems to like, I'd suggest adding elements to interrupt the line of sight in the enclosure. Logs, mounds, rocks, etc. so that from a torts eye view it's impossible to see everything without wandering around. There is less pacing along the wall looking for a way out and more exploring/foraging which I figure means less stress.

He also likes having a low bush to hang out under or scratch his butt with depending on mood, but that would be tricky with your chicken wire cover. Do Russians like water? A shallow pond to wade in could make for a nice addition if they do.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Nov 18, 2018
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Ocala, Fl
Based on what my son's RF seems to like, I'd suggest adding elements to interrupt the line of sight in the enclosure. Logs, mounds, rocks, etc. so that from a torts eye view it's impossible to see everything without wandering around. There is less pacing along the wall looking for a way out and more exploring/foraging which I figure means less stress.

He also likes having a low bush to hang out under or scratch his butt with depending on mood, but that would be tricky with your chicken wire cover. Do Russians like water? A shallow pond to wade in could make for a nice addition if they do.
Great recommendation! My russians do pace around a lot even though it's not a small enclosure. Also, I could add a small pond but I bathe my russians a lot so they don't need it, they usually don't really like them, and I'm also worried about the water getting dirty often and having parasites in it, overall too much of a hassle for something they wouldn't really like. Thanks!!


10 Year Member!
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Great recommendation! My russians do pace around a lot even though it's not a small enclosure. Also, I could add a small pond but I bathe my russians a lot so they don't need it, they usually don't really like them, and I'm also worried about the water getting dirty often and having parasites in it, overall too much of a hassle for something they wouldn't really like. Thanks!!
You can sink a tray into the ground and just dump it out and change the water every 2 days.
Or do as I've done and make some shallow pools out of cement and use a broom to sweep out the water and refill it.
My tap water is loaded with chlorine. I haven't had any issues with parasites.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Nov 18, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Ocala, Fl
You can sink a tray into the ground and just dump it out and change the water every 2 days.
Or do as I've done and make some shallow pools out of cement and use a broom to sweep out the water and refill it.
My tap water is loaded with chlorine. I haven't had any issues with parasites.
Smart, I might just do that. Glad I probably don't have to worry about parasites.Thanks!!

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