Baby Leopard Tortoise Food


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10 Year Member!
Nov 29, 2012
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Hi, just wanted to ask about some alternatives for Leopard Tortoise food. He and my Russian have been eating Romain Lettuce with some Kale here and there. But lately my Leopard hasn't been eating as much as he used to. The reason I know this is just with the lettuce and not a sickness is because when I put some carrots in he gobbled them right up! So any suggestions? Thanks!

Yvonne G

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Hi Mitchell:

Imagine how bored you would be if all you got to eat every day was the same thing over and over.

And in your tortoises' case the boring food wasn't really the best choice of food.

Here is a nice list of different things you can buy to feed your tortoises:

You can buy one or two items from the list this week, then next week buy two different items. Mix it up.


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10 Year Member!
Nov 29, 2012
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Yvonne G said:
Hi Mitchell:

Imagine how bored you would be if all you got to eat every day was the same thing over and over.

And in your tortoises' case the boring food wasn't really the best choice of food.

Here is a nice list of different things you can buy to feed your tortoises:

You can buy one or two items from the list this week, then next week buy two different items. Mix it up.

Yes I totally agree. I will definitely be buying My Leopard and my Russian some new food! Thanks so much for the list! :)


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Sep 7, 2013
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I've been feeding my babies spring mix and spring mix with herbs, aside from a little cilantro, I'm not sure what other herb is actually in that mix, didn't spot anything in particular. I have been wetting 2-3 mazuri nuggets and 1-2 zoomed nuggets every other day and mixing it into the baby lettuces. And every 3rd day giving shaved cuttlebone or calcium/d3 powder. Once a day i add wheatgrass clippings. I feed them 2 times a day and sometimes a third time if I notice their food pile gets low. They seem to be doing well this far on this schedule. How does this sound to the leopard experts? Any adjustments I could/should make?
Today I bought them endive, I hope they dig it.


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Mar 17, 2013
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Jolly good!

Very close to how I feed my littles. Just an add, I have been using those chef herb scissors, the ones with 3 (and they also come in 5) blades. Really like them because I can blend, blend, blend a variety of things (hibiscus, roses, St Augustine grass, grape leaves, petunias, nasturtiums, johnny jump ups, succulent pieces, nopales, and more. They cut things small and fast. And, after I have my pile of variety in my bowl, I cut into it some more to make things even smaller and more blendy.

I just saw these at Sur La Table and I think I may have to graduate to this 10 blade.

Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
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Southern Oregon
Bee, you mention your scissors often, I have just got to know about these scissors.... Have a pic? Or another link? I couldn't open the one you posted ??

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