Brumation or should I be worried?


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Hello! I am new to the tortoise world. We did research prior to the purchase of our tortoise, but of course, still have a lot to learn. We have had him (pretty sure he is a Russian but just was told he was a Testudo) for a week. He hasn’t eaten (Put out carrots, spring mix, and peas) and has been sleeping and only digging within the dirt to burrow for long periods of time. Should I be concerned? His temps during the day are 92 in his hot spot, 80 in the other areas and 72 in the covered area of his habitat. He isn’t really going into the covered area but will just find any spot to dig, hide and sleep. Thanks for any input.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Hello and welcome.

The scientific name of the Russian tortoise is/was Testudo horsfieldii. So it is a Testudo tortoise AND a Russian tortoises at the same time. THey've since put this species into a different Genus, but they are still generally regard as one of the "Testudo species" by most tortoise keepers.

Where did you get the tortoise? What was it eating before you got it? Have you soaked it? What size enclosure? What types of bulbs are you using? UV? What type?

A pic of the enclosure and tortoise would help us.

Here is the care info for you to check out:


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
Hello and welcome.

The scientific name of the Russian tortoise is/was Testudo horsfieldii. So it is a Testudo tortoise AND a Russian tortoises at the same time. THey've since put this species into a different Genus, but they are still generally regard as one of the "Testudo species" by most tortoise keepers.

Where did you get the tortoise? What was it eating before you got it? Have you soaked it? What size enclosure? What types of bulbs are you using? UV? What type?

A pic of the enclosure and tortoise would help us.

Here is the care info for you to check out:


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The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
  • What is in the second lighting hood?
  • What is the temperature directly under the basking bulb?
  • What is the over night low temperature?
  • Have you soaked him yet?
  • That water bowl is unsuitable and needs to be replaced ASAP. Its a flipping/drowning hazard. Great for lizards and snakes, but dangerous for hard shelled animals.
  • The enclosure is much too small.
  • The coco coir needs to be damp and it needs to be hand packed down. Its much to fluffy that way.


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
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  • What is in the second lighting hood?
  • What is the temperature directly under the basking bulb?
  • What is the over night low temperature?
  • Have you soaked him yet?
  • That water bowl is unsuitable and needs to be replaced ASAP. Its a flipping/drowning hazard. Great for lizards and snakes, but dangerous for hard shelled animals.
  • The enclosure is much too small.
  • The coco coir needs to be damp and it needs to be hand packed down. Its much to fluffy that way.

1 bulb- 75 W basking, 2nd bulb- 10.0 UVB (I just read through the VERY helpful info and will adjust as needed)

Directly under the bulb is 90

overnight low is 68-70

we have soaked him with lukewarm water in the tub and he walked around in there

We will change out the water bowl ASAP! Thank you!

we have a second portion for an enclosure we plan to add- are you saying we should do so sooner rather than later? We figured as he grew we would expand it.

We will dampen and pat down the soil- thanks!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
1 bulb- 75 W basking, 2nd bulb- 10.0 UVB (I just read through the VERY helpful info and will adjust as needed)

Directly under the bulb is 90

overnight low is 68-70

we have soaked him with lukewarm water in the tub and he walked around in there

We will change out the water bowl ASAP! Thank you!

we have a second portion for an enclosure we plan to add- are you saying we should do so sooner rather than later? We figured as he grew we would expand it.

We will dampen and pat down the soil- thanks!
The cfl type UV bulb is probably burning his eyes and that is what is making him hide and not want to eat. I would remove it ASAP.

Try to get basking area just a little warmer. 95-100 is ideal.

Since he's new and you don't really know how well he was cared for previously, I would soak him every other day for a good month or so to ensure good hydration. This will also stimulate appetite.

I would definitely enlarge the enclosure right away.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
He probably doesn't recognize carrots and peas as something to eat. You can eliminate those items from his diet. Offer instead, along with the spring mix, endive and escarole. Then try to find some edible weeds outside. Russians eat broad leaf weeds and plants.


New Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Such a huge help! Thank you everyone! This is a lot more straightforward than other information out there which seems to contradict each other.