Bugs in my tortoise's tank


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5 Year Member
Sep 12, 2013
View attachment 55556:tort:I have bugs in my tortoise's tank. They are tan, and skinny. They are about a mm long. I have cleaned the tank several times but they keep coming back. Is there a way to get rid of them permanently? [/font]
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5 Year Member
Feb 18, 2013
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What type of substrate are you using? They could be coming from that. I usually suggest fixing bug problems with more bugs, a handful of pill bugs(rollie pollies) will do a great job at keeping the small pests under control, and they need damp dark places to live so you generally don't see them in the cage.


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Oct 25, 2013
Actually these bugs are here because of the unfair cleaning system, when you don't take care of cleaning so it happens. These bugs come to stand water the water should be fresh and stay moving.

Yvonne G

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JessicaHanigan said:
Actually these bugs are here because of the unfair cleaning system, when you don't take care of cleaning so it happens. These bugs come to stand water the water should be fresh and stay moving.

Actually, I don't think this is the case. I believe the bugs are from the moist soil. They thrive on the moisture and are attracted to the left-over food around the feeding area. In my opinion, the bug eggs are in the substrate when it is purchased. I doubt there's much you can do about it. But if you take the substrate out into the sun and spread it out so the sun reaches all parts of it, the bugs will die.


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JessicaHanigan said:
Actually these bugs are here because of the unfair cleaning system, when you don't take care of cleaning so it happens. These bugs come to stand water the water should be fresh and stay moving.

They said they have cleaned it several times. You really should not say things like that. You have no idea what their cleaning system is like!!!! you also posted on another thread about bugs and said they are harmful and they really are not. I have the same ones. They get rid of the waste and are not harmful at all!!!


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The eggs are in the substrate when bought. They are usually dormant because the bag doesn't give them the right environment to hatch. When you add it to your enclosure and have all these nice heat bulbs and nice ambient temp of 85 and closed chambered nice humid and moist soil... Pretty much your incubating the eggs and the eggs now go into the incubating stages and hatch creating all your bugs. They breed lay eggs and so on. They do thrive on eating the left overs and if you don't clean up scraps you can actually get even more kind of like a breeding group of bugs. Bottle them up and sell them to chameleon owners haha. They arnt harmful just annoying to us. They like late night tv but for the most part stay in the enclosure for me. I use a zapper in by my enclosures seems to work great