CH head has some white to it?


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Tacoma, WA
Recently I noticed the top and sides of the head on our CH turning white and wasn't sure what to make of it. Current picture on top, picture when we first got him in June of this year. We need to get the humidity upped by adding an enclosure for the top so maybe it's a humidity issue? Another difference is about a month or so ago we added a UV light which we hung 18" above the surface. Just want to know what's normal. Still trying to learn as much as I can!

UV Light from Amazon



Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Hello and welcome! Low humidity is likely a key factor here, he’s desperately dehydrated. I’m noticing what looks like some pretty severe pyramiding too? This won’t have been in the time you’ve had him but something to be aware of

Would you mind adding some more information?

What are your temperatures like? Ie overall day temps, night temps?
What kind of lighting and heating are you using specifically? Packaging photos are good if you have any!
Do you use indoor uv? If so what kind?
How’s your humidity reading? What do you use for substrate? Just orchid bark?🙂

A photo of the full set up would be great! Along with a full body photo of the tortoise if you didn’t mind sharing more🐢💚


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Dec 28, 2023
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The uv is the right type of bulb but those cheaper brands aren’t a reliable source.

Once I get some more information from you I have some great information and links to share to get you completely on the right track🥰I’m happy to walk you through literally everything bit by bit if you need, to get this one thriving for you❤️


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
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Tacoma, WA
Yeah the pyramidding is bad but he lived the first eight years in a 2x4 glass aquarium. His shell is bad and his back legs barely work. As far as hydration goes, he has a terracotta dish that we keep water in and if we move him over to it he will occasionally drink, but sometimes he just turns away? I don't really see him hanging out in it, although we just put the dish in a week ago.

The enclosure is something I struggle with. I will get some pictures later this evening. But since he doesn't really have use of his rear legs (he had wheels glued to him when we got him) he doesn't really move around that much. but I am struggling with how to keep the humidity and temps up since I can't really think of a good way to add a lid. At the moment I created sort of a greenhouse type setup with a wooden frame two feet taller than the walls with painters plastic all around except the front. I can add a door or something to the front but I am thinking maybe a lid instead? But then how do I keep the CHE's in there? They would have to be pretty low in order to fit under the lid?

Regarding hydration, would the humidity play a role? I thought of hydration as an internal thing where they are hydrated by drinking water and the humidity is more for skin/shell health?

What are your temperatures like? Ie overall day temps, night temps?
I have two 75 watt I think CHE in the 30" x 8' enclosure. It has a lid on it but the front is not enclosed. It was keeping it at about 80-82 until just recently where now it's dipping to about 75 so I need to finish the front of the enclosure to keep the heat in.

How’s your humidity reading?
Humidity is more or less room level (45%) at the moment since I don't have the enclosure done to help keep the humidity in.

What do you use for substrate? Just orchid bark?
I just recently put a substrate down. It's small bark nuggets. Not marketed as Orchid bark but supposedly it's 100% fir bark.


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Pour warm water into the corners so the bottom layer gets damp leaving top layer dry. He desperately needs 80% humidity.
Do you know if there is a reason his legs don't work right, any x-rays that have been done? If not, hydrotherapy on him for his legs. Fill your bath tub with warm water deep so he can't touch the bottom. While helping him if needed, make him swim. Do this for 30 minutes daily. Trying to get him to use his legs. Do this until he can walk normally. If/when he does get his walking back, he will need a bigger enclosure that a 3x8. A 4x8 is minimum for a much smaller Russian.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Yeah the pyramidding is bad but he lived the first eight years in a 2x4 glass aquarium. His shell is bad and his back legs barely work. As far as hydration goes, he has a terracotta dish that we keep water in and if we move him over to it he will occasionally drink, but sometimes he just turns away? I don't really see him hanging out in it, although we just put the dish in a week ago.

The enclosure is something I struggle with. I will get some pictures later this evening. But since he doesn't really have use of his rear legs (he had wheels glued to him when we got him) he doesn't really move around that much. but I am struggling with how to keep the humidity and temps up since I can't really think of a good way to add a lid. At the moment I created sort of a greenhouse type setup with a wooden frame two feet taller than the walls with painters plastic all around except the front. I can add a door or something to the front but I am thinking maybe a lid instead? But then how do I keep the CHE's in there? They would have to be pretty low in order to fit under the lid?

Regarding hydration, would the humidity play a role? I thought of hydration as an internal thing where they are hydrated by drinking water and the humidity is more for skin/shell health?

What are your temperatures like? Ie overall day temps, night temps?
I have two 75 watt I think CHE in the 30" x 8' enclosure. It has a lid on it but the front is not enclosed. It was keeping it at about 80-82 until just recently where now it's dipping to about 75 so I need to finish the front of the enclosure to keep the heat in.

How’s your humidity reading?
Humidity is more or less room level (45%) at the moment since I don't have the enclosure done to help keep the humidity in.

What do you use for substrate? Just orchid bark?
I just recently put a substrate down. It's small bark nuggets. Not marketed as Orchid bark but supposedly it's 100% fir bark.
Aw I remember you now!! Sorry I get newer members confused when there’s no profile pic! My bad!

Yeah don’t worry if you don’t see him using it, sometimes you’ll just find it dirty and know he’s been up to it lol.

How often do you do soaks?

Humidity does definitely play a role in hydration yes, they absorb lots of moisture through their skin

I think I passed most this on to you before, it covers humidity maintenance, and I’ve got better visual examples at the bottom now, one of them includes an idea for different toppers, including the ‘greenhouse’ style, if you’re finding that’s not working for you, some pics will be good to see if there’s any suggestions we can think of to make it more efficient. Failing that, we can go over other closed chamber set ups, which will be key in holding your humidity.

As long as what ever kind of top you use, is just about high enough to not be touching any light fixtures, you can hang/mount the lights over the base any way you want, as long as they’re secure, then design the topper for the height, the shorter you get away with the better to stop all your heat and humidity rising to the top🙂

Yeah you ideally don’t want your temperatures dropping below 80.

Yes definitely far too low for a red foot and is likely causing the skin problem you’re seeing at the moment, the front being open is likely the problem, if you could temporarily cover it until finished that would be good

Substrate sounds fine🙂

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