Change in habitat?

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10 Year Member!
Mar 18, 2010
In about 45 minutes I'm going to pick up the CL Russian. Here's where my obsessiveness about every detail will kick in! I don't know how he's been kept. What I'd like to do is keep him outside during the day and bring him in at night. If he's been an inside tort will it shock his system to be out all day? (there will be shade, hides, water, and food outside). Should I slowly ease him into being outside all day? Our temps hit about 100 right now, at the hottest part of the day.

Oh, and do you water your outside enclosure with the torts in there, or take them out before the water goes on? I've got a sprinkler in there right now.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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As long as the weather is hot and not going to cool down too much at night, I don't remove the Russians when I run the sprinkler. I think he's going to feel like he died and went to heaven. You don't need to "acclimate" him to being outside. Just put him out there and he'll go around and inspect it and find a good hiding place. Just keep checking on him. They sometimes tip upside down when put in a new place, during their explorations. Best time to put a new tortoise into a new habitat is in the morning. That way they have all day to figure out the lay of the land.!!!!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Mar 18, 2010
I got him and he's in great shape! Pretty smooth, clear eyes, exploring like crazy. His legs are so strong, I can certainly see him being a climber. He's about 6inches long and cute as a button :D

The cage she gave me was a guinea pig type with mismatched pieces...So he's in the rubbermaid box with the cage pieces on top for now. The blocks are going in right now for his yard footings. His name is Oscar, the big debate among my boys is what we should change it to!



Yvonne G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I love the name Oscar. Reminds me of Sesame Street...Oscar the Grouch who lived in the garbage can.

Your tortoise is a long term captive and a pretty nice-looking specimen. Congrats on the new addition to your family! Hi MIGHT be female, but I'd have to see his tail to be sure.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Mar 18, 2010
Yvonne, I tried to catch a pic of his tail, but he's shy! Head and four legs hanging out, tail sucked in. Very interested in his suroundings. Such a relief for me!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Congratulations! Oscar looks great!

I put mine out during the day and bring them in at night. It has always worked well for me. I sprinkle the cage with them in it usually. Most of them like it on a hot day. A little summer rain.

To get a good sexing pic, just hold him so his head is pointing up and take a close up pic of the plastron, focusing in on the tail region. If your digital camera has a "macro" setting try that in good out door lighting. If not, back away a little bit and zoom in on that area. Take lots of shots and you'll find a few that will work. Try different lighting, in the sun, in the shade, different colored backgrounds, etc... I probably take 50 pics for every decent one I get.


New Member
5 Year Member
Jun 27, 2010
emysemys said:
Your tortoise is a long term captive...

I'm curious how you can tell this from the pictures. We have so much to learn!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Mar 18, 2010
JaneF, from what I understand the darker inner "rings" of his scutes are due to being wild. Then the lighter outer "rings" are growth in captivity. Its so fascinating, I'm always sharing the things I've learned with my family and friends. (they humor me!)
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