**** clark dead at 82

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The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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So the worlds oldest teenager has died at 82 he died of a heart attack in a hospital after a outpatient procedure. Sad almost sounds like a unnecessary death, but only time will tell.


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He was one of those rare few that u thought would live forever. Almost everyone knows who he is, even a lot the younger crowd.


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I just heard. Very sad :( Losing to many of the oldies but goodies, with no younger ones even close on getting the same kind of fame :(


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Apr 15, 2010
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So, the Mayan's say the world is going to end the same day that Snooki's baby is due. And **** Clark won't be around to ring in the new year...things aren't looking good for 2013. :p

He is a legend for sure.

Maggie Cummings

All the 'special ' people from my generation are dying. I was thinking as I was watching Carlos Santana on DWTS that this generation doesn't have any "special' people. No great guitarist, no great singers. I can't think of his name now, he's the Bee Gee's cousin and he's in a coma, I think he's a cousin anyhow. Since my generation there are no great guitarist, who? No great singers Who? No special celebrities. Who's it gonna be when Santana dies? The women are false with false eyelash's, false chests, false butts, the men just aren't. Think about it, Marilyn 's chest was real, she had a real figure and it was about 25 pounds more than what is popular with the stick figures the women have now. Look at Elizabeth Taylor. Absolutely beautiful and her figure and face were real. No plastic surgeries. She was beautiful way into her old age, then she wasn't :) As I get older I notice things like that and I wish I could express myself better. This generation has Snookie? Geeze Louise how embarrassing is that? And getting pregnant without marriage, and it doesn't bother anybody but me, and a few more old people. Today's relationship's don't last but a few years , they break up and 3 months later they are in another relationship. That's awful. Today's relationships last a few years and end then they get with somebody else for a few years right away, and that ends...ad infinitum.


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Feb 7, 2012
we have justin bieber. hehehe

I'm sure there are very talented and special people like jungha. who can play the guitar awesomely. We have plenty of entertainers and they are all special at what they do. Entertaining. No longer can a celebretiy only focus on one speciality. That's like having one degree and that's it. These days we need to have 2 degrees, a masters, and be fluent in at least 3 languages. And that's just basic requirements.

Marilyn + Elizabeth were not in the era where plastic surgery is the norm. Blame society for making women feel inferior and requiring plastic surgery to achieve perfection. We see celebrities and tear them down for being perfect and we wait for them to fall from grace. that's what the paparazi's do so they can sell their pictures.

RElationships today don't fail any less than what they did previously. Women or men these days who are unhappy in their marriages stick to the rule of better to be single and be unhappy. Who would want stay married to a cheating or abusive spouse? Perhaps because it's a norm to get divorced these days, the motivation to work things out are not as strong. But nonetheless this is just how humanity evolves.

Each generation has it's flaws and its positive traits. Unfortunately the new generation is filled with self centered people who only complain and think of themselves. Not to complain but we were brought up to be this way. Every generation was essentially taught to be how they are. Generations did not pop up and decide what they wanted to be. they were molded by the generation before them.


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Apr 30, 2011
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I am sorry to hear about **** Clark. He is from my era. I watched American Bandstand on TV with that handsome guy every day that I could. He introduced 'most' of the rock and roll stars on that show. Good bye **** Clark, we will miss you.
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