Cute little rescue


New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Portland, OR
This is Yurtle, my first tort. Found her wandering in a yard and almost got hit by a mower. None of the homeowners knew anything about her or claimed her as there own. So I placed an ad on CL and have tried to get her set up as best I can until I can build her a big safe space to call her own. I know the enclosure is small, at 4x2x2. Will she be ok for 2 weeks until I can build and assemble the new enclosure? Temps are 95 basking, 75 cool, 71 night. Lights are 10.0 mini uvb and a 100 watt basking bulb. 20190601_065047.jpeg20190601_064437.jpeg20190601_072010.jpeg


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Feb 17, 2016
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Welcome and thank you for helping his tortoise!

It’s obviously too small but if you are positive you’ll have the right thing in two weeks, she’ll be fine so long as she can bask at the right temperature

If you don’t already have a temperature gone, get one; it’s the best way to check surface temps plus they’re fun!

Can you replace that water dish with a flat terracotta saucer that’s a big bigger than she is? Or at least get that one in there dug down so that it’s flush with the surface of the substrate. Tortoises can’t bend their heads down to drink but pet stores never tell you that when they are selling you something. :)

Have you had a chance to soak her? Her eyes look a little squinty, could just be the picture. At any rate, a soak is always a good idea for a new tortoise. Put her in a container with sides higher than she can see out with about an inch of lukewarm water for ten to fifteen minutes. She probably won’t like it but she’ll get over it. Russians don’t drink much; if she actually drinks anything, leave her in up to a half hour and soak her again the next day. And again until you are sure she’s not thirsty. :)


New Member
Jun 2, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Portland, OR
Welcome and thank you for helping his tortoise!

It’s obviously too small but if you are positive you’ll have the right thing in two weeks, she’ll be fine so long as she can bask at the right temperature

If you don’t already have a temperature gone, get one; it’s the best way to check surface temps plus they’re fun!

Can you replace that water dish with a flat terracotta saucer that’s a big bigger than she is? Or at least get that one in there dug down so that it’s flush with the surface of the substrate. Tortoises can’t bend their heads down to drink but pet stores never tell you that when they are selling you something. :)

Have you had a chance to soak her? Her eyes look a little squinty, could just be the picture. At any rate, a soak is always a good idea for a new tortoise. Put her in a container with sides higher than she can see out with about an inch of lukewarm water for ten to fifteen minutes. She probably won’t like it but she’ll get over it. Russians don’t drink much; if she actually drinks anything, leave her in up to a half hour and soak her again the next day. And again until you are sure she’s not thirsty. :)
I do have a temp gun. All temps have been taken with it at shell level. I cant get a new dish for a bit, so I'll bury this one down for her. I gave her a soak the day I took her home. She didn't like it. I gave her another one this morning and she was a lot better. She relaxed after a few minutes and pooped. I left her in for 17 mins and cleaned her with a soft toothbrush as best I could, then took her out and dried her off with a soft towel. I will soak again in the am just to be safe. This being my first, I am very worried I'm going to hurt her more than help. Probably being paranoid, but I cant help it.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Feb 17, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Newport Coast, CA
It’s hard not to be paranoid, at least it was for me when I was new. Actually I’m still pretty paranoid today, after three years. When you’ve only ever had one, everything seems like guesswork.

I know exactly what you mean about hurting more than helping but Russians are tough and she looks good! In fact, she makes me think I need to rub my tortoise’s shell down. :eek:

I think you’re doing great! That is a lucky tortoise.