Desert Torts


Dec 23, 2013
What do you guys feed your desert tortoises? How do you prepare it? Some people say give them leaves whole, but the some say chop it. What do you do, how does your tortoise like it?

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
When my desert tortoises are big enough to live outside, that's where they go. Their pen is planted in Bermuda grass and there are lots of different weeds growing in the grass. There is also a mulberry tree at one end, and they eat the mulberry leaves. Once my tortoises are outside I stop feeding them. They have to make do with whatever they can find to eat in their yard. I occasionally offer a treat of any vegetable I have on hand.

When I have baby desert tortoises, I make a chopped up salad using some or all of these ingredients:

red leaf lettuce from the garden, turnip greens from the garden, Santa Barbara mix (a packaged combination of escarole, endive and raddiccio), mulberry leaves, grape leaves, rose of sharon leaves and flowers, opuntia cactus pads and sometimes the fruit, clover, water hyacinth, any edible weeds I can find.

Here's a link to a list prepared by the Department of Fish and Wildlife:

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