Does your tortoise watch you do stuff?

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Levi the Leopard

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Oct 1, 2012
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Re: RE: Does your tortoise watch you do stuff?

CourtneyG said:
My male pancake watching me play skyrim.

I showed this to my husband (he loves skyrim). He said, "This is probably the most awesomest thing I have ever seen."


He liked the "argonian" comment, too! But i had to ask him to explain it to me lol


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Team Gomberg said:
CourtneyG said:
My male pancake watching me play skyrim.

I showed this to my husband (he loves skyrim). He said, "This is probably the most awesomest thing I have ever seen."


He liked the "argonian" comment, too! But i had to ask him to explain it to me lol

I always play as a Khajiit, but I think the snorts Shadowmere makes was attracting his attention to the tv and then when I was engaged in battle, he also decided to pee on me while he was watching, the little turd.


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CourtneyG said:
Team Gomberg said:
CourtneyG said:
My male pancake watching me play skyrim.

I showed this to my husband (he loves skyrim). He said, "This is probably the most awesomest thing I have ever seen."


He liked the "argonian" comment, too! But i had to ask him to explain it to me lol

I always play as a Khajiit, but I think the snorts Shadowmere makes was attracting his attention to the tv and then when I was engaged in battle, he also decided to pee on me while he was watching, the little turd.

Lol! That's funny! I guess he was showing you how he felt about your battle skills :p

Life is good


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Chainsawkitten said:
CourtneyG said:
Team Gomberg said:
CourtneyG said:
My male pancake watching me play skyrim.

I showed this to my husband (he loves skyrim). He said, "This is probably the most awesomest thing I have ever seen."


He liked the "argonian" comment, too! But i had to ask him to explain it to me lol

I always play as a Khajiit, but I think the snorts Shadowmere makes was attracting his attention to the tv and then when I was engaged in battle, he also decided to pee on me while he was watching, the little turd.

Lol! That's funny! I guess he was showing you how he felt about your battle skills :p

Life is good

Hey now I have great skills, got full deadric armor and a legendary deadric bow that does 45pts if fire damage with a lvl 100 bow and sneaking skill. I AM INDESTRUCTIBLE!!! He was clearly watching how awesome I am.


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My tortoise watches me do stuff, follows me around, follows the VACUUM around and definately recognizes different people in the family, and new strangers. He's always curious about new ppl, but has his head "on stand by" in case he needs to retreat in a hurry. Once he decides they r no threat he bulldozes right over to say hi. No doubt in my mind they are very smart.


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DesertGrandma said:
When I carry mine outside he looks down to watch me put on or take off my garden shoes. He actually strains his neck looking down, haha.

Thats so adorable!

mine will watch me walk around my room, and usually when im sat at her box talking to her she'll lie there looking at me appearing to be listening. I do think they're more clever than people make them out to be.


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I set up the enclosure between the dining and living room, so we can see each other wherever we are, I'll wave from the couch and she'll come to the glass, watching us. I also set it so that her feeding slate is basically next to my dining chair, and she knows that if she hangs there while we eat, there's good chances she'll get something out of me. The absolute best though is on Sunday. Every Sunday we order pizza and as soon as I put the red box on the table, she runs at full speed to me and makes herself as tall as she can, stretching her neck with her mouth open like a baby birdie! No, I do NOT feed her pizza! Rather my oldest doesn't like pineapple so Princesse gets it. It's her favorite :-D


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We have a half log placed against the little glass window in our Russians enclosure. I'll glance over there and see his little beak pressed against the glass inside of his log, it's so cute

Levi the Leopard

10 Year Member!
Oct 1, 2012
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Re: RE: Does your tortoise watch you do stuff?

CourtneyG said:
Chainsawkitten said:
CourtneyG said:
Team Gomberg said:
CourtneyG said:
My male pancake watching me play skyrim.

I showed this to my husband (he loves skyrim). He said, "This is probably the most awesomest thing I have ever seen."


He liked the "argonian" comment, too! But i had to ask him to explain it to me lol

I always play as a Khajiit, but I think the snorts Shadowmere makes was attracting his attention to the tv and then when I was engaged in battle, he also decided to pee on me while he was watching, the little turd.

Lol! That's funny! I guess he was showing you how he felt about your battle skills :p

Life is good

Hey now I have great skills, got full deadric armor and a legendary deadric bow that does 45pts if fire damage with a lvl 100 bow and sneaking skill. I AM INDESTRUCTIBLE!!! He was clearly watching how awesome I am.

Hubby has the full dragon scale armor so he can relate better to our turtles lol!


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Team Gomberg said:
CourtneyG said:
Chainsawkitten said:
CourtneyG said:
Team Gomberg said:
I showed this to my husband (he loves skyrim). He said, "This is probably the most awesomest thing I have ever seen."


He liked the "argonian" comment, too! But i had to ask him to explain it to me lol

I always play as a Khajiit, but I think the snorts Shadowmere makes was attracting his attention to the tv and then when I was engaged in battle, he also decided to pee on me while he was watching, the little turd.

Lol! That's funny! I guess he was showing you how he felt about your battle skills :p

Life is good

Hey now I have great skills, got full deadric armor and a legendary deadric bow that does 45pts if fire damage with a lvl 100 bow and sneaking skill. I AM INDESTRUCTIBLE!!! He was clearly watching how awesome I am.

Hubby has the full dragon scale armor so he can relate better to our turtles lol!

Lol true, but dragon scale armor is weaker than Deadric armor. So far there has never been any creatures that look like tortoises or turtles in Mundas.


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CourtneyG said:
Team Gomberg said:
CourtneyG said:
Chainsawkitten said:
CourtneyG said:
I always play as a Khajiit, but I think the snorts Shadowmere makes was attracting his attention to the tv and then when I was engaged in battle, he also decided to pee on me while he was watching, the little turd.

Lol! That's funny! I guess he was showing you how he felt about your battle skills :p

Life is good

Hey now I have great skills, got full deadric armor and a legendary deadric bow that does 45pts if fire damage with a lvl 100 bow and sneaking skill. I AM INDESTRUCTIBLE!!! He was clearly watching how awesome I am.

Hubby has the full dragon scale armor so he can relate better to our turtles lol!

Lol true, but dragon scale armor is weaker than Deadric armor. So far there has never been any creatures that look like tortoises or turtles in Mundas.

So true!

Life is good


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Auburn, Alabama
Team Gomberg said:
Yes he told me your armor was above it!

He just wanted to make a silly joke lol ;)

Tell him the game is awesome and my ringtone for my phone yells Fus Ro Dah and the Dovakiihns theme song plays.
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