Electric butternet squash??

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May 1, 2011
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So my wife got Cooper and Ophelia a bag of butternut squash as a christmas goody. So she put it in the microwave to soften it up. It was already cut into little cubes. And so she starts it and it starts throwing sparks around from piece to piece!! It flip'd us both out!! The only time I have ever known a microwave to do that is when a piece of metal is put into the microwave. Has anybody else ever had this happen from butternut squash?? I said to throw that stuff in the mic away and I am saving the rest that's in the bag and having it checked. I sure the h*ll hope it don't have metal in it as we have fed them some of it already. This was just the first time we tried to mic it. Thanks for any input!![/quote]

Yvonne G

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I have put quite a few different types of squash in the microwave and have NEVER had that happen. Are you sure there weren't any metalic labels stuck to the squash? You know what I mean...those little round labels with the scanning code on them? Sometimes they are metalic-looking shiney paper.


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emysemys said:
I have put quite a few different types of squash in the microwave and have NEVER had that happen. Are you sure there weren't any metalic labels stuck to the squash? You know what I mean...those little round labels with the scanning code on them? Sometimes they are metalic-looking shiney paper.
I'm sure. This squash is cut into cubes and prewashed and put into bags so it looks just like cheese cubes. I am calling the 888 number on the bag tomorrow. This is very disturbing to me...


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Nope, it was just refrigerated. I wish I could record it but I am afraid it will ruin my microwave...


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My understanding is that it is from the minerals in the vegetable. 'Denser' vegetables have a higher mineral content than other foods.


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jaizei said:
My understanding is that it is from the minerals in the vegetable. 'Denser' vegetables have a higher mineral content than other foods.
That's interesting to know. Thanks for the info. I still want to talk to the company tho just to be sure. I would rather be safe (for my kids(torts)) then sorry. Cause the first thing that came to mind was metal in the pieces from where it was cut. I'm a worry wort I guess. Thank u! :)


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Jun 13, 2011
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iv bought that same exact squash that is prewashed and cut into little cubes, i took several peices out each day and nuked them. never had sparks from them and i was watching them closely everytime i nuked them bc it only takes a few seconds. id say you have a bad batch.


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I have microwaved a lot of butternut squash (though I've never bought the bagged kind, only whole squash then cut it up myself), and never had that happen. That is definitely weird. Is there a chance there's metal in the bowl? That's the only other thing I can think of...


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Floof said:
I have microwaved a lot of butternut squash (though I've never bought the bagged kind, only whole squash then cut it up myself), and never had that happen. That is definitely weird. Is there a chance there's metal in the bowl? That's the only other thing I can think of...
Nope. We used a cool whip lid the first time and a plate the 2nd time... :(


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Dec 1, 2011
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I bought a fresh butternut squash....cubbed it myself, put on was paper on a cook sheet then froze them. After it was frozen I bagged up small portion sizes and keep them in the freezer. I grab a bag and thaw it out when I need it, then I don't get a lot of waste. I hate buying one veggie and forgetting it and after one meal and 3 days it has gone bad. Just a thought. :)


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jaizei said:
My understanding is that it is from the minerals in the vegetable. 'Denser' vegetables have a higher mineral content than other foods.

this is correct. Just for kicks, put a whole dill pickle in there sometime and watch what happens...can make a hell of a mess, but it can be a spectacular light show, so maybe want to look it up on youtube. Doc

....of course, if it was pre-cut...who knows what could be lurking in the bag from the machines that do the work....it's squash, throw it out!


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exoticsdr said:
jaizei said:
My understanding is that it is from the minerals in the vegetable. 'Denser' vegetables have a higher mineral content than other foods.

this is correct. Just for kicks, put a whole dill pickle in there sometime and watch what happens...can make a hell of a mess, but it can be a spectacular light show, so maybe want to look it up on youtube. Doc

....of course, if it was pre-cut...who knows what could be lurking in the bag from the machines that do the work....it's squash, throw it out!

This has been interesting. It is surprising which threads can lead to new and interesting knowledge. :tort:


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Jacqui said:
exoticsdr said:
jaizei said:
My understanding is that it is from the minerals in the vegetable. 'Denser' vegetables have a higher mineral content than other foods.

this is correct. Just for kicks, put a whole dill pickle in there sometime and watch what happens...can make a hell of a mess, but it can be a spectacular light show, so maybe want to look it up on youtube. Doc

....of course, if it was pre-cut...who knows what could be lurking in the bag from the machines that do the work....it's squash, throw it out!

This has been interesting. It is surprising which threads can lead to new and interesting knowledge. :tort:

Thanks so much Jacqui! I am really happy to know, for once, that I posted something that was interesting!! :):):) I feel good!


5 Year Member
Jul 19, 2011
One of the things that we do at my job is microwave small pieces of avocado to the point of being totally dry (so we know the %water). Sometimes when pieces are too close together in the petri dishes, they do spark and arc from piece to piece. I never did figure out why, one of the lab techs hypothesized it was oils or lipids igniting...but I don't know if that's a reason I go for

...basically though: it does happen for us from time to time for avocado pieces...i think it's more at certain times of the year, but it's been a while since I was personally involved in that aspect of the project...and it only really happens early in the cooking process when the pieces are not so dessicated

long and short is though: it's not as uncommon a phenomenon as you think...and it might not be bad for your tort but I really can't say as I don't know why it happens


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redbeef said:
One of the things that we do at my job is microwave small pieces of avocado to the point of being totally dry (so we know the %water). Sometimes when pieces are too close together in the petri dishes, they do spark and arc from piece to piece. I never did figure out why, one of the lab techs hypothesized it was oils or lipids igniting...but I don't know if that's a reason I go for

...basically though: it does happen for us from time to time for avocado pieces...i think it's more at certain times of the year, but it's been a while since I was personally involved in that aspect of the project...and it only really happens early in the cooking process when the pieces are not so dessicated

long and short is though: it's not as uncommon a phenomenon as you think...and it might not be bad for your tort but I really can't say as I don't know why it happens

That's interesting, thanks for the input!
Stuff came up so I have not called the company yet. But I plan to here in just a few. I would just like to know what they say, if anything at all....


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May 1, 2011
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Well the only real answer I got was if I didn't see anything in the cubed pieces then it is prolly just fine. And that I should cook them in the mic with them in water. Needless to say it didn't satisfy me. So it is going in the trash and they are sending me a Market Fresh coupon to buy some free veggies for my torts. I don't know if I will buy it that way again tho. May just buy the whole thing at Marsh Supermarket and cut it myself. Have a great day my forum friends!!! :D
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