Growth (is my star growing too fast?)

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10 Year Member!
Feb 22, 2011
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Hello Hello!

So I have had my little star for 4 month. During this period she gained weight from 34g (1,2oz) to 78g (2,7oz). So that's more than double!
She didn't grow much, as far as I can tell. Still around 2,x inches (around 5,6cm).

Question: What growth is "normal" for stars? Is she growing to fast? Is there such thing as growing too fast? Should I feed less? (I always fed 'too' much, so she'd eat as much as she liked and leave the rest on her plate, which I take out in the evening)

Advice anyone? I think the growth rate must be similar to other small breeds e.g. Testudo? So feel free to voice your opinion or just share your weight/size to compare!

Oh, and one more quick question: How many times do you supplement calcium for your hatchling/yearling tortoise? Now I do it 2-3x a week.


Yvonne G

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RE: Growth

I really can't help you with a Star question, but I can help with the calcium question. I use calcium on the food about 3 times a week. And I don't use very much. My tortoises don't like the taste of it and won't eat if I use too much.


10 Year Member!
Feb 22, 2011
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Thanks for the answer, Yvonne. :) That already helps me to ease my mind about the calcium question.


5 Year Member
Jul 20, 2011
I don't really know the answer to your question, but I have a couple of Hermann's that are about 2.5 months old. On 8/14 they were 26 and 22 grams each respectively. I weighed them yesterday 10/2 and they were 61 and 54 grams. I wasn't expecting them to grow that fast, but then again - I have absolutely no idea how fast they are suppose to grow. They just seem like they want to eat all day. Whenever they are done with their food, they always seem to beg for more. They'll walk right towards my hand when I put it in their enclosure and wait for me to feed them.

I also supplement with calcium about 3 times per week.


The Dog Trainer
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I don't know stars at all, but here is my opinion for tortoises in general: It is my firm belief that this "slow growth" concept is closely associated with the old outdated "protein causes pyramiding" concept. We killed the latter, but the former persists for some reason. If babies are given the right conditions (temps, diet, calcium, hydration, sunshine, shelter, etc...), they ARE going to grow faster than the torts of the olden days that we all kept in the "wrong" conditions. I take this as a sign of health and wellness. I do not TRY to grow my torts at ANY speed. I feed them a good varied diet, or just let them graze on their own, and I keep them hydrated and in the right temps. I give a little sprinkle of calcium twice a week and offer cuttle bone all the time. I don't "power-feed", and really, I don't know how you could "power-feed" a grazer like a tortoise. I just put out some food, they eat what they eat, and they grow however fast they grow. And they all grow at different rates too.

Ever since I started the "wet" routine with daily soaks and humidity, my tortoise babies have all been growing faster than they did in years past. I'm not trying to make them grow faster, I just think they are healthier because they are not so dehydrated.


10 Year Member!
Feb 22, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Thanks Schlomo :)

Thanks Tom for your input. I always read your Threads and it's very interesting. I try to keep my torty (partly) wet and hope she'll grow smoothly. But as humidity is high anyways, I don't spray as much as you do. :D
But it puts my mind at easte that I don't overfeed her.
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