gulf coast diet


10 Year Member!
5 Year Member
Dec 5, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
Baldwin Co, Alabama
I've read many pages of what a gulf coast turtle should eat...
Mine didn't read those pages. Strawberries - HA, they just stomp on them to let me know how much they do NOT like them. We have offered a variety of veggies and they really just don't like too many of them. Tomatoes, sometimes squash or cucumbers. leafy greens- nope!
Fruits - sure, as long as it isn't apples, strawberries, other berries. They love bananas (or at least one of them LOVES bananas, the others eat it), watermelon, cantaloupe and sometimes some plum.
Mushrooms, I wish they'd give me a list. If I buy it and share, they don't eat it. If I pick it from the yard (we have gulf coast turtles in the yard now and again), they sometimes eat and it and sometimes don't. When they do, they love it. I just wish our yard would grow more of the ones they love and maybe grow with a sign that says give this to the turtles.

They are outside in a large garden, so they are able to eat plenty of bugs and stuff, but they don't eat any of the plants in the garden.

I'd like to be able to mix up some food and put it in the freezer to provide them things they like, but what have others found their gulf coast turtles enjoying in the food department?


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May 20, 2015
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Harlingen, TX
In the wild, gulf coasts are highly carnivorous compared to other Terrapene.


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10 Year Member!
Feb 11, 2012
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NE Ohio
I agree. Gulfies love their bugs! More so than other boxies. I hAve an intagrade. All she wants to eat nowadays is live food, kiwi, and cantaloupe.

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